Never give up! Part 2

2. "Perseverance determines, what awaits you: success or defeat ". Anonymous

Imagine a goal, which you sincerely strive for, as the top of a steep and slippery climb. Now imagine, that at the beginning of the way upstairs a heavy stone was put on your back.

What will you feel as you climb? Joyful excitement? Fatigue? Powerless irritation? If you fail to climb up the first or even the second time, what makes you try again?Plenty of answer options, one of them could very well be perseverance.

Perseverance is the ability to stay true to a goal., idea or task, despite setbacks and obstacles. This is the voice, who keeps saying: “If there is no luck right away, then don't give up trying!!!».

I would like to give a few examples of this quality.

George Washington Carver, born about 1864 year, dreamed of improving the depleted soils of the southern regions of the United States. He was determined to get an education, although at the time it was not so easy, especially for black people. However, he didn't give up., continued to work hard, and c 1896 Graduated from the University of Iowa. After that, he convinced southern farmers to plant enrichment crops - peanuts and sweet potatoes - instead of cotton..

Having achieved the first successes, he soon opened over three hundred ways peanut applications, thereby creating a permanent market for this crop.

IN 12 years Thomas A. Edison became a paperboy at the train station, and in 15 - Earned a living as a telegraph operator. In his spare time he studied and experimented. Although he created many useful inventions, he had to spend over forty thousand dollars for failed experiments., before he's in 1879 year was able to create the first incandescent lamp.

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For fifty years he applied for 1033 patent. He made more and more attempts.

If you still feel sorry for yourself, speaking, that the rich and famous are strife to the feelings and lives of mere mortals, next story just for you.

The story of a man.... man, who had to endure a whole string of defeats and losses:

– death of mother and sister, when he was still a child;

– death of a beloved;

– nervous breakdown;

– death of three young sons;

– defeat in elections to the State Legislative Council in 1832 year;

– failed store co-ownership;

– big debt, remaining on it after the death of a companion;

– defeat in congressional elections 1843 year;

– defeat in congressional elections 1844 year;

– loss of nomination for the office of land commissioner;

– defeat in the Senate elections 1855 year;

– defeat in the presidential election 1856 of the year, where he ran for vice president;

– defeat in elections to the Senate 1858 of the year, inflicted by Stephen Douglas.

"Lucky" – you say! Many of his envious people did not see anything in his life, what would that say, what, became president, he will be able to successfully end the Civil War of the North and South.

When Lincoln was asked, how did he manage not to break down from so many failures, he attributed his success to an undying faith. He said: “Without the Almighty, I would not have achieved anything. And with his help, I could not fail to succeed. ”.

With such an effort, which did not spare Thomas Edison, George Washington Carver and Abraham Lincoln, we are not only approaching our goal, but we know ourselves. History knows many men and women, who achieved incredible success only after repeated failed attempts. And we can do the same!

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to be continued…

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