Never give up!

"People tend to be wrong" – how many times have you heard this phrase, or did they say it themselves??? I am sure, not once or ten times))) Mistakes are easy, and the most interesting, almost always instantly. Didn't have time to yawn, and the new mistake is right there - regardless of the type and type of your activity ... Some quickly give up, blaming everyone and everything, others are completely disappointed in themselves. And the third - pull themselves together, believe and act, again and again, to the bitter end. The latter will be discussed today, whose credo for life - "Never give up"!!!!!

1. "Defeat won't be bitter, if you don't swallow it " They are Engström.

Everyone experiences defeat at some point in their lives.. Furthermore, the more often we are willing to take risks, the higher the likelihood of defeat. And at the same time, if we don't dare to take a step forward, then we will find ourselves in a state of stagnation. Growth requires a willingness to take risks, that you will fail. If we were kids we were afraid of failure, then few of us would learn to walk and talk. To learn to walk, we had to be ready for that, that we will fall, scratch your knees, we'll get bruises and bruises.

Confucius said: “Our greatest triumph is not that, that we never fall, and that, that we get up again every time ". That's why, the most important lesson, which must be learned, this is what, that failure is not failure, if you don't think so.

Say, what Thomas Edison did in inventing the light bulb over a thousand failed attempts! And when someone asked him, why didn't he give up after so many failures, he replied: “These were steps towards the goal. Each time I tried, I successfully found the answer to that, how not to make a light bulb. I am always ready to learn, even on our own mistakes ".


I speak otherwise, although Edison was not always successful, he didn't allow, to let defeat settle in his mind. Swallowing defeat is deciding, that since you have failed in something, means, You are a loser. There is a fundamental difference between words "I'm bad luck" And "I am – Jonah". To swallow defeat is to believe, what determines your success or absence, what kind of person are you.

All great leaders, athletes, travelers, thinkers, inventors and businessmen once made mistakes and failed. However, these people became outstanding because, that they did not blame themselves for their failures, no others: they used their mistakes as lessons, to improve your results. They refused to swallow the bitterness of failure and were ready to continue the fight., to taste the sweetness of victory.

Defeat can be bitter, but in the end bitterness is not bad. Some dishes wouldn't taste so good, if the element of "bitterness" was not present in them. And bitter experience can serve as a seasoning for us, if we learn from it, we will not be afraid of him and we will not let him embitter us.

to be continued….

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