Nothing can any longer prevent the ruble from recovering to the level 2013 of the year

Inflation in the Russian Federation is steadily declining every year and in a couple of years will approach the level of developed countries. IN 2014-2015 yy inflation, in a critical period for the ruble, was five times more than now. The ruble was worth on average 70. If there was a direct dependence of the value of the ruble on inflation, then now the ruble should be worth 70 / 5 = 14 rubles per dollar. And it gradually comes to this.

Monthly inflation is half as much as in the same months last year:

Russian GDP rates show stable and steady growth, since summer 2015 years and will soon catch up and overtake 2013 year. In the US, GDP growth rates are clearly lower. This is an undeniable advantage for the ruble..

Well, not to mention the indirect folk signs, big mac index type, or the fact that the ruble often rises even when oil falls, or the fact that rates will be gradually reduced, or the fact that developed countries will not allow the ruble to weaken due to competition in the export of products, etc., we can conclude that a significant strengthening of the ruble is simply inevitable and will look like this on the annual chart:


  Robert T Kiosaki
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