Failures and great people

Winston Churchill once said: “Never, never, never give up”. The British prime minister knew how to achieve his goals. As a result, it was he who became that person, thanks to which the nation was saved.

However, Churchill managed to occupy such a high post in the government far from the first time.. Stubbornly running as a candidate for every election, is he, eventually, got his way, becoming prime minister of Great Britain at the age of 62 of the year.

History is full of examples, when strong-minded people achieved their goals, no matter what the circumstances.

Abraham Lincoln went to war with the rank of captain, and returned as a private. Deciding to do business, he burned out and was forced to abandon his idea. In the field of lawyer, he also suffered a failure.. The reason for this was his quick-tempered nature and impracticality.. Having retrained into politics, he made a number of attempts in this arena, but here too he suffered a series of crushing failures.

It All Started With Losing State Legislature, then there was an unsuccessful attempt to be elected to Congress, then another failure to be elected to the Land Commission, failed senatorial election 1854 of the year, failure in the election of vice president in 1856. Lincoln's last failure was the next Senatorial election in 1858.

Around that time, he wrote a letter to one of his friends., where was this line: “I – the most unhappy living. If that's all, what I have experienced to distribute to all mankind, then there will not be a single smiling face on the planet”.

Socrates was called “immoral” And “child molester”. Since the death of the philosopher, it has already been 2 350 years, and the glory of the molester continues to drag after him, like a tin can, tied to a dog's tail.

When Sigmund Freud first shared his ideas with the European Scientific Society, he was booed and kicked in the neck. However, Freud did not give up.. He returned home and continued to write.

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Robert Sternberg got a grade on his first psychology exam.. His teacher said: “I had no doubts about the result. This is Sternberg, I don't know another Sternberg”. Later 3 Robert graduated cum laude from Stanford University with a degree in psychology. IN 2002 he became president of the American Psychological Association.

Charles Darwin quit his medical career, after that, as his father told him: “You are not interested in anything, except your dogs, rats and pistol shooting”.

In his autobiography, Darwin wrote: “All my mentors, including his own father, considered me an ordinary boy, almost feeble-minded”. (Well what – evolution – great power).

Once Tom Edison's teacher spoke about his ward: “He is too stupid, to learn at least something”. The first two works, on which he got a job, Thomas lost. Moreover, employers invariably noted his unproductiveness.. Who went down in history as the inventor of the light bulb, Edison knew how to get his way. However, few people know, that a deafening success was preceded by a series of failures. Before the invention was commercialized, It took Edison 1 000 unsuccessful attempts.

When Thomas Edison was asked: “How does it feel – fail 1 000 times in a row?” the inventor answered: “There were no failures. I just invented a light bulb in 1 000 stages”.

Albert Einstein said his first words at the age of four, and learned to read at the age of seven. Parents found him slightly lagging behind, and one of the teachers noted in little Albert retarded mental development and inability to adapt to social life. “He will remain forever captivated by his stupid fantasies.”, – said the strict teacher. The author of the future theory of relativity was expelled from school, and the Polytechnic University of Zurich, where he later applied, refused to contact him. Throughout his life, Einstein experienced difficulties with speaking and writing. (let alone math), so he constantly had to deal with.

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At the university, the great chemist Louis Pasteur was considered a mediocre student. On the report card, he held 15 place from 22 possible.

Before you succeed, Henry Ford 5 once I had to start all over again. Roland Macy, the creator of the famous New York “Maysis”, unlike Henry Ford, even less lucky. His business was crashing 7 times in a row, before you start making a profit.

When Frank Woolworth was just a petty haberdashery employee, the boss reprimanded him constantly for lack of ingenuity. Later, this man founded an empire of sporting goods stores., having a dealer network all over the world.

(With)Success in life

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