Unusual dialogue - 3


Part 1

Part 2

-Made a decision to help you.

-Why on earth?- I am ironic.

-Everything in the world is arranged like this, to help you. Это базовая функция Вселенной. This is how the universe itself develops, through the development and adaptation of its parts and particles.

-What kind of help? And why I couldn't handle it myself? — I give vent to hurt pride.

-Himself… it is too strong. You are NOT YOURSELF, как единицы. No need to take on more, than assigned by Nature. You are part of the world and have never existed apart from it.

-I've already heard this somewhere, — suspiciously directing my thoughts towards the shadow, what hangs over me in the distance. I can't even estimate the size of the interlocutor. He (or she) maybe the size of me, or maybe the size of a 9-storey building.

-The secret is, what all, what you need to be successful in any business, Whether Trading или подметание дорожек, already inherent in a person. You just need to use this internal resource.

-I caught you, -if everything is in us, why don't we use it so hard?

My interlocutor starts to glow with a strange yellow light and I understand, which is very similar to laughter. Hmm, надо же. Let's put a very good sense of humor in my friend's piggy bank.

-This is a development mechanism. The chicken needs to break the egg shell, to be born.

I have thoughts in my head, I want to ask and ask, but they upset me.

-Let's move on to the purpose of our meeting. To achieve long-term success, a trader needs to use the mechanism, laid down by Nature and polished for millennia in every living creature. For this …

I listened carefully. Although, it felt more like a record. It's not great to feel like a record, believe me. My ego protested. Is it possible to compare Dima Stetsko with some kind of hard drive HDD or DVD disc?

  ALCHI and others. Week summary.

Despite, that I had no reason not to trust my unexpected helper and to doubt the nature of this process, I decided not to jump to conclusions and check everything on my own experience. If everything is really so, as passed, then I must be convinced of this from my own experience.

It was also said, that communication will continue in the future.

And God bless you, at least until the next blog update Zen Trading.

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