Unknown pages of the biography of George Soros

Джордж соросDossier, which follows below, based on the report of the EIR bureau (Executive Intelligence Review) in Wiesbaden in Germany, Published 1 October 1996, which is called "Resume of mega-speculator George Soros".

Time magazine characterized the financier George Soros as a "modern Robin Hood.", who robs the rich, to give to the poor countries of Eastern Europe and Russia. It stated, what Soros makes a huge financial profit, speculating against Western central banks and using these profits to help the post-communist economies of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, to help them create, what he calls "Open Society".

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Analyzing Soros's secretive financial network is vital, to understand the true dimension of the "Soros problem" in Eastern Europe and elsewhere.

After the crisis of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism in September 1992., when the Bank of England was forced to abandon efforts to stabilize the pound sterling, a little-known financial figure emerged from the shadows, Stating, what did he personally do 1 billion. $ on speculation against the British pound. The speculator was a Hungarian-born George Soros, who waited out the war in Hungary under false documents. Soros left Hungary after the war, and received American citizenship after several years, held in London. Soros is based in New York today., but that says little about, who is he and what is he.

After his impressive claim to own "Midas touch", Soros allowed his name to be publicly used in a clear attempt to influence global financial markets.

Soros loudly announced in March 1993., that the price of gold should rise sharply: he said, that just received "inside information" about, that China is going to buy huge amounts of gold for its booming economy. Soros was able to generate demand for the purchase of gold, which allowed prices to rise by more than 20% in four months, to the highest level since 1991. And what is typical for Soros, when the simpletons rushed to buy, pushing prices higher, Soros and his friend Sir James Goldsmith began secretly selling their gold at great profit.

Then, early June 1993. Soros announced his intention to cause a sell-off of German government bonds in favor of French. In an open letter to the editor of the London Times Anatole Kaletsky, Soros declared "Down with the D-mark!» At various times, Soros attacked the currency of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Mexico, entering newly opened financial markets, having little experience with foreign investors, which allows alone, having large financial resources, manipulate currency. Soros starts buying marketable assets in the local market, leading others, who naively assume, that he knows something, what they don't know. As in the case of gold, when small investors start to follow Soros, pushing prices up, Soros starts selling, doing your 40% or 100% arrived. Then he moves on to another market, and often, and to a new country, looking for another target for their speculations. This technique is called "hit and run".

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The secret of Quantum Fund NV

Soros is the visible side of a vast, secret network of private financial interests, ruled by the leading aristocratic and royal families of Europe, centered at the British House of Windsor. This network, called by its members the "Club of the Islands", was created after the collapse of the British Empire after the Second World War.

Instead of using the powers of the state to achieve their geopolitical goals, this network was developed based on private financial interests, tied to the old aristocratic oligarchy of Western Europe. The center of this "Club of the Islands" is the financial center - London. Soros is one of those, who in the Middle Ages was called - Hofjuden, "Court of the Jews", which was deployed by aristocratic families. The most important of these "Jews, who is not a Jew" are the Rothschilds, thanks to whom the career of Soros began.

Soros is American only by passport. He is a global financial operator,
which the, Happens, falls in new york, just because there is money. Soros speculates in global financial markets through his offshore company Quantum Fund NV, private investment fund. His hedge fund, reportedly, manages approximately $11-14 billion of investor funds, the most prominent of which, according to Soros, is British Queen Elizabeth.

Quantum Fund is registered offshore in the Netherlands Antilles
in the Caribbean. It helps to avoid taxes, and hide the true
the nature of its investors and, what does he do with their money.

Soros took care, so that none of 99 frequent investors, who participates in his various funds was not an American. Under US Securities Act, the hedge fund must include no more than 99 wealthy investors, so-called "sophisticated investors". Setting up your investment company as an offshore hedge fund, Soros avoids public scrutiny.

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Soros himself is not even on the board of the Quantum Fund.. Legally, he is an investment adviser to Quantum Fund from another company, Soros Fund Management, in New York.. There is also no American citizen on the board of directors of Quantum Fund NV. Its directors are Swiss, Italian and British financiers.

Understandably, that Soros and Rothschild prefer not to advertise their relationship, as well as his connections in London are not advertised, British Foreign Office, Israel and American influential circles. That's why, a myth was created, that Soros is a lone financial "genius", who, thanks to his talent for detecting future changes in the markets, became one of the most successful speculators. According to those, who did business with him, Soros never takes important investment steps without meaningful information from an insider..

Richard Katz is on the board of directors of his Quantum Fund NV, being Rothschild's man, who also sits on the board of London N.M.. Rothschild" and is the head of "Rothschild Italia S.p.A." in Milan. Another link to the Rothschild family is fellow Quantum Fund board member Niles O'Taube., partner of the London investment group "St. James Place Capital», the main partner of which is Lord Rothschild.

Frequent business partner of Soros in various speculative cases, including
manipulations with gold in 1993., though not directly related to Quantum Fund,
is the Anglo-French speculator Sir James Goldsmith, cousin of the Rothschild family.

From the very first days, when Soros created his own investment fund in 1969., he owed his success to his relationship with the banking network of the Rothschild family. Soros worked in New York in the 1960s at a small private bank.
closely associated with the Rothschilds, namely "Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder. Inc.», bank surname, representing the interests of Rothschild in Germany during the Bismarck era. To this day a. and S. Bleichroeder. Inc." remains the main holder, along with Citibank, Funds «Quantum Fund» Soros. George K. Carlweiss, associated with the infamous Rothschild Bank AG in Zurich gave Soros some of the seed capital and brought in the first investors in his Quantum Fund.

Rothschild patronage

Soros' attitude towards the Rothschild financial circle is not accidental. We'll have to make a little excursion into history, to explain the extraordinary success of a simple private speculator, and Soros' uncanny ability to "play right" so many times in such high-risk markets.. Soros has access to "inside information" in some of the highest government and private offices in the world..

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Since World War II, the Rothschild family tried to form a public myth about their own insignificance. The family spent substantial sums, creating the image of a wealthy family, but quiet "gentlemen", some of whom prefer to make fine French wines, some of whom are dedicated to charity. They were involved in the creation of Israel and other high-profile projects., but apart from such public shares, there were also not so specious deeds, which the family prefers to keep away from their headquarters in London, and conduct through their lesser-known branches, such as "Zurich Rothschild Bank AG" and "Rothschild Italia of Milan" - the bank of Soros partner Richard Katz.

According to reports from former CIA officers, familiar with the Soros case, his "Quantum Fund" accumulated his capital (more 10 billion $), with the help of a powerful group of "quiet"
investors, which allowed Soros to build up capital, to disrupt financial stability in Europe in September 1992.

Soros is one of several important tools for the economic and financial struggle of the "Club of the Islands". Since his connection with their interests was not previously highlighted, it serves extremely useful functions for the oligarchy, how in 1992 And 1993 years, when he launched his attack on the European Exchange Rate Mechanism.

Although Soros's speculations played a significant role in the final withdrawal of the British pound from the Exchange Rate Mechanism, it would be wrong to view his actions as "anti-British". Soros began his education in London, where he studied under Karl Popper and Friedrich von Hayek at the London School of Economics.

Soros's business ties with Sir James Goldsmith and Lord Rothschild brought him closer to the Thatcher wing of the British establishment.. Helping the UK exit the European Exchange Rate Mechanism in September 1992. and along the way earning more than 1 billion $, Soros helped the Thatcher wing's long-term goal of weakening the economic stability of continental Europe. Since 1904, it was the British geopolitical strategy to counteract, no matter what, any economic ties between the economies of continental Europe, especially
this concerns Germany's connection with Russia and the countries of Eastern Europe.

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