Oil notes

Some of the features of oil in the present period.
Usually the period September-October is considered weak, drop in gasoline use, and the heating season has not started yet, and NPZ start seasonal maintenance work. The production capacity is decreasing, and accordingly the demand from refineries for refining is also falling..
Usually 3 a barrel of oil goes into production 2 barrels of gasoline and 1 barrel of heating oil. This is the so-called crack spread ( long oil= shot gasoline+ short heating oil)  and this spread is now below average, resulting in lower oil demand.
Distillate stocks( heating oil and diesel fuel) are at the record level since 1983.
Oil contango is not so deep, to encourage tanker owners to buy oil and store in tankers.
For example, contango between 1 And 6 months of order $6 , and the cost of storage in tankers( including insurance and so on) 1.50  per month, on land somewhere around 70 центов.
All these are negative factors for WTI.
The explosion at the Mexican refinery kept oil higher 70, but for how long?!!!

  Sber came close to 90 рублям за акцию...
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