Undervalued shares

& quot; Undervalued shares – these are such promotions, the price for which at the moment is unfairly understated. Если говорить научным языком, then this is such a state, when the company's capitalization on the market is less, than her «балансовая» the cost. It is profitable to invest your funds in them."

In this regard, the question immediately arises. Why are they underestimated at the moment and why there is a hope that they will be appreciated at their dignity and fairness in the next moment in time? What, now speculators are dumber? And then they grow wiser? Complain that very few people besides me noticed this underestimated share, and then they will notice and how they will start buying, it would be illogical, since each of the hundreds of thousands and even millions of speculators and investors have scanners, which they use if not every day, then, at least, once a week or month, to find attractive stocks, and then, что какая-то stock останется незамеченной, very unlikely. This used to be, a hundred years ago, stocks were sorted out manually and the fundamentals were counted in a column on parchment, and now it's a matter of five minutes, just run the scanner and the computer will give you everything you need. That's why, really, не понимаю, what driving force will make the `` underrated" share, if it is already clear that the stock is undervalued, but does not fire. So it may never fire? Or will shoot by accident simply because the entire market for all stocks is growing by itself? And an undervalued share for the company with everyone :)

On the other hand, so many people who want to short growth stocks for fundamental reasons, Sort of Amazon, Facebook and others., like they are unfairly overpriced many times, but in fact they are worth a penny on a market day. I watched a while ago the attempts of one smart man (obviously, smarter than me) short these shares persistently. Then, messages stopped arriving. Well, obviously, for obvious reasons. Even in my mini-investment portfolio, Amazon has already added more than 100%…

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Understandably, that someday there will be a bear market. And growth stock prices will fall faster than undervalued stocks. But when will it still be. Many have already been armageddon for five years. But who really knows when Armageddon will come. Maybe tomorrow, maybe in twenty years. During this time & quot; underappreciated" stocks may be underestimated several times, and overvalued ones grow by another thousand percent.

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