Colorless mood

Sometimes you catch yourself thinking, what do you live — like in a dream. Everything around is familiar, gray and imperceptible to the heart. It doesn't respond to anything.

Once upon a time and bright lights and Christmas trees, and beautiful cars and massive buildings, human faces and crowd noise evoked emotions, aroused interest, desire to watch.

Now everything is in a fog.

Weekdays. Gray and monotone.

Children delight, looking at the simplest things with such wide-open eyes. Ready to stretch your mouth from ear to ear with one smile or an awkward forced joke.
Maybe, I'm the only one so discolored? Although, judging by the faces, если все-же присмотреться, 95% passers-by are also somewhere not here, but in your gray and joyless thoughts.

Mentality? Weather? Age? Lack of motivation? Unfulfillment? Inflated expectations?

One thing pleases. I believe, that a person is the smith of his own happiness and that some fuses just burn out in his head as a result of life's stresses, personal tragedies, страхов, обид, pain… It is necessary to replace the burnt out parts and look at the world again like this, how our children look.

Good luck!

  Bravo Alexander!
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