Not everything is calm in the Danish Kingdom

JP Morgan is very fond of Global PMI. PMI-PMI, we go all time high…
(just saw someone's Global PMI which I don't remember, but going to the historical maximum, not at Morgan's, certainly, they are still Morgan ..)

below is a screenshot from the Reuters page (at the very bottom of the tab:KEY COUNTRIS).
hover over the country with the mouse the dot is highlighted. November results.

среди таких же "лидеров" Norway (what's funny, everyone remembers the raised rate?), Spain, Greece and Russia.
all in all, you need to look after all sorts of Scandinavians..

there is nothing special to write about markets. expected happens, but not quite as expected, therefore, you need to think and do more and more. and all sorts of people who are angry who buy eurodollars 1,5 would not listen to you screaming, still on 1,48 took.. and what people? no matter who is right (today you, and tomorrow you)). you can't be angry. market, he sees everything, hears everything…

  Fear has big eyes....
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