Not news, but it looks like thoughts

There is a suspicion, that the ax-trade version will be released soon 2.0. At least all the prerequisites for this are there., you only need to allocate time to upgrade and test the new version) While mentally preparing for the changes. Stretching the pleasure)

In general, everything and everything around is somehow rapidly changing. Ksenia unexpectedly began to cook all sorts of goodies with an enviable periodicity. Sometimes it doesn't work, freaking out throwing out) Don't get in, will kill. Well, finally it's cool, then cook cheese soup, then bake muffins, then cookies… IMHO extremely positive trend.

In my time, I was addicted to the idea of ​​torrent trackers. Well, just oh-oh-oh-chen I like the idea of ​​such a file sharing system. Now I'm starting to get into poker. The participants themselves (at least those, who i know) I like very much. They are perhaps the only ones, who do not care to talk about their income. I haven't seen statistics from anyone from traders. And poker players easily spread. I spent hours playing a month, played a hand drain, earned a drain of money… Not any interest there… Tell me, if I had 0, and now $40, how much percent did i make? 5% or 150%? Houliard or a hundred bucks? Yes FSUs on these percentages! They don't fuck anyone, because they do not carry any information. Be specific or don't say at all.

In my personal life, some kind of ambush ): Apparently for balancing.

  The market quickly learns
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