Inspired by the market situation…

Suppose, you were offered to play a game. In the woods, banknotes of various denominations are scattered. The larger the bill, the less often it occurs. Among the banknotes, there are also counterfeit ones., but distinguish them at once – That's impossible. You have with you, some amount of money, часть из которых, periodically withdrawn, with a given time interval. A task – collect as much as possible, spending as little of your resources as possible. There is a fine for lifting a fake, proportional to value. Previous experience, or the stories of comrades, Do you know, that sometimes there are packs at ten, сто тысяч, occasionally a million, but there is no reliable information about their presence in this place, меж тем, trifle, lying literally underfoot. How would you act?

  Sign of well-being.
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