How dangerous is coronavirus?


Measles among the leaders of epidemics 12-18 , hiv 2-5. As you can see, Coronovirus is not so dangerous compared to other diseases.. Don't panic and make a fuss.


Coronaviruses (lat. Coronaviridae) — family, including for January 2020 of the year 40 types of RNA-containing viruses, combined into two subfamilies, that infect humans and animals. The name is associated with the structure of the virus, whose spines resemble a crown.

Coronaviruses include:

  • SARS-CoV virus, causative agent of atypical pneumonia, the first case of which was registered in 2002 year;
  • MERS-CoV virus, causative agent of Middle East respiratory syndrome, the outbreak of which occurred in 2015 year;
  • virus 2019-nCoV, responsible for the outbreak of a new type of pneumonia in 2019-2020.

Coronaviruses cause disease in mammals (in cats, dogs, Pigs, Cattle) and birds.

Human coronavirus was first isolated in 1965 year from patients with SARS. In the following time, coronaviruses almost did not attract the attention of researchers., until an outbreak of SARS or severe acute respiratory syndrome was recorded in China in 2002-2003 (TORSO, SARS). The disease was caused by the SARS-CoV virus. As a result, the disease spread to other countries., just got sick 8273 Person, 775 Died (mortality 9,6 %). MERS-CoV is the causative agent of Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), the first cases of which were registered in 2012 year[4]. IN 2015 year in South Korea, there was an outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome, during which I got sick 183 Person, Died 33. In December 2019 a pneumonia outbreak in China, caused by the newly discovered 2019-nCoV virus. It soon spread to other countries.. 2019-nCoV can be contagious before symptoms appear, what distinguishes the new virus from SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV and can greatly affect its spread.

Sources of coronavirus infections can be a sick person, animals. Possible transmission mechanisms: airborne, air-dust, fecal-oral, contact. The incidence increases in winter and early spring. In the structure of ARVI hospitalized patients, coronavirus infection is on average 12%. Immunity after an illness is short-lived, usually, does not protect against reinfection. The widespread prevalence of coronaviruses is evidenced by specific antibodies, identified in 80% of people

  Illumina Overview: microchips, DNA and coronavirus


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