Nasdaq lowered prices for stock data

Exchange group Nasdaq expects to reduce license fees to direct bidders (brokers and dealers) на Nasdaq Basic с $350 thousand to $100 thousands per month, what follows from the application filed by the exchange with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

"The proposed changes will help expand the use of Nasdaq Basic by investors by reducing its cost.", – Nasdaq officials said.

Nasdaq explained, that payments for Nasdaq Basic are “constrained by competition between exchanges and other financial institutions, attracting order flows ".

"Order flows are" blood vessels "for stock exchanges". Brokers and dealers now have alternative locations to get them. ", – added by a Nasdaq spokesman.

Nasdaq Basic – information package, which sells the Nasdaq exchange to traders and includes the following stock trading elements.

Nasdaq Basic Quotes (QBBO) – best bid and ask quote and associated order volumes.

Nasdaq Official Opening and Closing Prices – reference prices, based on the opening and closing of the Nasdaq.

Other Value-added Data – includes a directory of system status and information on trading stops for NASDAQ, NYSE and other regional exchanges.

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