Games and poker: interview with a new expert

Though the article relates to poker, but it is also suitable for our sphere.


Interviews about poker and poker

— Dmitry, hello again! Firstly, thanks for such a resonant first conversation. Secondly, thanks, that agreed to talk again.

- Hello, no sweat, always happy to benefit the community.

- So, question immediately in the forehead. What to do for a poker player, if he was summoned to the new? How to behave? Is it worth confessing everything at once?, if the inspector started asking about poker cashouts?

— I'm more dealing with corporate companies, than with personal, there the situation is a little different. Usually in companies according to the documents everything is fine, and the main task of the summoned to the nalugovy - not to talk about yourself. In the case of poker, everything is different - there is a real offense. (Payments to your personal bank account from the poker room or from Neteller electronic data systems, Skrill, Webmoney and so on), you don't have to prove anything.

In this case, I would recommend that you consult with a lawyer - perhaps, even take it with you. Although here may lie in wait for an unpleasant "trick" on the part of the naloviki: a lawyer is allowed to invite only in case of interrogation, and a person may not be summoned for questioning, a "conversation", "for clarification". On practice, Really, this conversation can turn into an interrogation with all the ensuing. All in all, consultation of a good lawyer will not be superfluous, he will explain in detail all the nuances - when you can be silent, when to speak, etc..

- Many poker players periodically think about the fact, to come out of the shadows and "legalize". Is it possible to pay money from poker income, just deducting 13% from their keshaouts (or from cashouts minus deposits)? What should be indicated in the declarations?

- Certainly, paying money from poker income is not only necessary, but you can also. :) The rule here is simple - we pay 13% from the difference "cashout minus deposit" for each year. Important note - this rule applies to one calendar year. If, for example, player in 2015 He played poorly, and made for a year of deposits on 10 000 Dollars, and the following year he was lucky., and he won and bred 8 000 Dollars, then, sadly, he will have to pay 13% from 8 000 Dollars, and last year's deposits in the amount of 10 000 dollars he will be "forgiven". Alas, these are the rules.

In the declarations, it is necessary to fill in the so-called "Sheet B" - "dohody from sources outside the Russian Federation", there everything is simple and clear, in the field "name of the source of payment of income" specify "Pokerstars" or the name of another room. At the same time, if the player decides to pay the ndogs, I would not recommend that he use an intermediate link in the form of electronic data systems.: they will only confuse the situation and can lead to unnecessary questions. In this case, I recommend withdrawing funds from the poker room directly to a bank account in a Russian bank..

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— What to do, if familiar poker players began to call in the nalogovy and "smell fried"? Does it make sense to try to pass overdue declarations before, how the inspectors came to your home?

- Certainly, eat. I recommend to all poker players, to whom it concerns, at least fill out declarations for all years and keep them at home. Fill your hand on filling out declarations and, at least, if suddenly a roasted rooster bites, do not have to urgently deal with the filling of declarations, and just submit them. But at the same time it is necessary to understand, that miracles do not happen. Late submission of declarations and payment of relevant taxes will exempt from criminal liability, but at the same time you will have to pay all penalties and fines, so you can get the amount, several times higher than the original size of the naluo. But if we are talking about, to remain at large, the price of this very freedom is often not discussed..

"I recommend that all poker players at least fill out declarations for all the years and keep them at home"

– Is it worth using bank accounts to cash out your poker winnings? Can the player have problems because of this??

— If at the same time the poker player does not pay the money, then problems may arise. Truth, to date, the probability of such problems is very low, but we must understand, that a bank statement will be lifetime proof of a poker player's guilt. Suddenly, the situation in the country will change, and the players will be brought to the attention of the national authorities through 5 or 10 years? No one guarantees, that this will not happen in the future. At the same time, it is necessary to correctly interpret the concept of "statute of limitations". It's foolish to think, that's what, pier, I didn't pay any, Right away 2016 year, therefore, for 2012 I won't be attracted to the year. This is wrong.

The concept of the statute of limitations generally applies to the time of detection of the total arrears. That is, if the inspector is not the only one in 2016 year found non-payment of no longer for 2012 year, then he can legitimately bring a negligent defaulter to justice, and the statute of limitations on this non-payment will expire only in 2019 year - the moment of detection of the violation plus three years. In this way, theoretically, the national authorities can be prosecuted for non-payment of the nalugov and through 5, and through 10 years, although in practice this does not happen. Another important point is that criminal liability for such crimes has a statute of limitations of three years., so for the crimes of the crime, committed in 2012 year, can only force to pay the 5og and fines, but they will not plant. If the crime ended in 2012 year, and does not continue to this day.

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- Are you aware of any cases?, when poker players were summoned to the nalogova because of keshaouts?

I know of one unverified case in the forum, when a poker player was summoned to the nalog after a major offline win. I guess, that in this case the "friends"-poker players tried. But in general,, Again, Russian national information focuses on non-natural persons, and legal, looking for non-payers of nalugov there.

- Let's say, poker player brought $50to PokerStars and wants to release them. How can he do it without "problems and checks"?

Transfer this amount to your Skrill or Neteller account and withdraw it in cash using the card, released by one of these systems.

— How reliable and anonymous are these payment systems??

- So far reliable and anonymous. What will happen in the future, I do not know.

— What do you think about QIWI payment systems, Webmoney, Yandex.Dingi? Should poker players use them?? Can they also boast of anonymity??

— I personally do not trust any Russian or Ukrainian (Webmoney) payment systems. Today they are stable and anonymous., but tomorrow at any not perfect moment they can lose their anonymity for the sake of preserving the business.. Maybe, these systems still exist only because, what is shared with whom. I dont know, I'm just guessing. Everything is possible in our country.

- Should the player worry?, who charges $1-3k per month from a Neteller card / Skrill in ordinary ATMs of Russian banks? Is the history of such operations recorded somewhere and can the employees of the national service reach it??

- Not, to date, such a player is not in danger. The history of such operations is not recorded, since payments from this card are processed by processing centers outside of Russia. The only thing, what the Russian authorities can theoretically find out is the name and surname of the cardholder, but this data is not enough to do so, to identify the payer.

— What can you advise poker players, who do not have an official job and want to make a major purchase (machine, apartment). Should they be afraid of any checks??

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— The law on control over expenses has not yet been adopted in our country, therefore, there is no reason for concern. Although do not forget about the possible illegal actions of law enforcement officers. For such possible cases, I recommend preparing a simple and intelligible explanation.. For example, borrowed from a friend with a high "white" salary. Understandably, that it is necessary to enlist the support and consent of a friend. More often, getting a simple and instant response, werewolves in epaulets lag behind.

- The situation in the country is changing and in many areas the control by the supervisory authorities is being tightened.. What do you think?, will the authorities be able to reach anonymous payment systems? And if so., then how soon?

- I think, that Russian payment systems will be under control very soon. As for foreign and international payment systems, coordinated efforts of many countries are needed here. Which today seems not very likely due to political differences..

"Russian payment systems under the threat of banning their activities can be forced to do anything"

- Can you give any general advice to poker players?, withdrawing their data through anonymous payment systems? What, for example, should not do?

- As I said, do not withdraw data from anonymous payment systems to your account in a Russian bank. Do not mix your "transparent" and "opaque" financial flows.

  • "Transparent" flow: from a poker room account to Russian banks.
  • "Opaque" flow: poker room account — anonymous payment system account — anonymous payment system card — cash.

Any intersections in these streams (even from a bank account to your account in the payment system) not too good.

- One last thing. Что вы думаете о недавней initiative of some deputies, seeking to block "gambling" pepevodes (MCC code 7995). How real is such a scenario in Russia??

- So far, I don't have much faith in such scenarios.. Although Russian payment systems under the threat of banning their activities can be forced to do anything. But while there are international payment systems, who pay little attention to the appeals of Russian deputies, fears remain only fears and do not transform into something more serious.. So mote it be.

- Thanks for the conversation, Dmitry! You are welcome, don't go far in case, if our readers have new questions.

- Not for anything. Good, if possible, I will try to answer.

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