The most famous personalities in the history of the stock market

Larry Williams (Larry Williams)

Larry Williams is one of the most famous and successful traders. One of his most outstanding accomplishments was winning the Robbins Cup Futures Trading Championship. (Robbins World Cup of Championship of Futures Trading). He managed to earn in one year $1 147 000, with an initial capital of $10 000, which amounted to more 10000% per annum.

Он является автором Books “Long-term secrets of short-term trading”. In his book, he describes the best technical indicators and original methods of technical analysis.. He also offers readers an in-depth analysis of the most effective short-term trading strategies and describes in detail the theory and practice of money management.. Larry Williams Reveals the Basics of Short-Term Trading, advantages and disadvantages of this so fruitful, but still a potentially dangerous activity.

George Soros (George Soros)

George Soros is a famous American billionaire financier, who is engaged in investment business. He wrote books: “Voting for democracy”, “Soviet system: towards an open society”, “The Alchemy of Finance”, hedge funds established “Quota”, “Quantum immersion grouse”, “Quantum”. Soros owns real estate in many countries, including UK and USA.

Soros's financial career also knew success, and failures. September 1992 years brought him $2 billion, earned per day on the pound / dollar rate. In 1993, Soros' income from speculation amounted to $1,1 billion. However, in August 1998 years of his losses in Russia totaled $2 billion. And spring 2000 years turned into a loss of almost $3 billion. because of the fall NASDAQ.
Soros' main specialization is currency speculation. He doesn't trust technical analysis, and therefore never uses Wall Street analytical materials, preferring simple newspapers to them. Making investment decisions, he is guided by his own confidence that, that financial markets are chaotic. Traders do not always act according to a well-thought-out trading strategy., succumbing to the influence of emotions. And the prices of currencies, bonds and stocks depend on people, who trade them.

Making fortunes in the stock market. $1, which was invested in 1996 year in “Quantum Fund”, now stands $4000. It is George Soros who owns the statement: “Absolutely not important, are you right or wrong. Only that matters, how much money do you earn, when right, and how much money do you lose, when you're wrong”.

Warren Buffett (Warren Buffett)

Warren Buffett is considered the luckiest investor by most of his colleagues., who built their capital on investments in stocks. For his instinct, he even received the nickname “Oracle from Omaha”. but, “luck” not the most appropriate word here. His task is not so much to acquire securities, how much a successful business, who represent these shares. Buffett gives preference to asset acquisitions, That, at the time of purchase, in his opinion, underestimated.

Warren Buffett is a long-term investor, since, on average, he has stocks for 10 years. As he himself says - he does not care about events, that occur on the exchange after the transaction. “The main secret of successful investing is to choose good stocks at the right time and keep them until then., as long as these stocks remain good”.

Alexander Elder (Alexander Elder)

Professional trader Dr. Alexander Elder is one of the most respected experts in technical analysis and stock trading. He has written numerous articles, books and software reviews.

Several of Dr. Elder's books have become bestsellers and are considered classics by traders.. This “Trading with Dr. Elder” And “How to play and win on the stock exchange”. The first was recognized as the best book by Barron's for 2002. The second became popular in many countries and was translated into 9 languages: Russian, Polish, Deutsch, French, Dutch, Chinese, Greek, Japanese, Korean.

Alexander Elder is the head of one of the leading companies, which prepares and trains traders, “Financial Trading Inc.” (USA, New York), founded by him.

Victor Niederhoffer (Victor Niederhoffer)

Victor Niederhoffer earned his first fortune in the period from 1980 on 1990 year. At the same time, he was considered one of the most prominent hedge fund managers in the United States.. but, risk-taking, he lost everything - virtually all of his personal savings and $ 130 million fund - due to the Asian financial crisis. Right in front of him, Niederhoffer took a bullish in Thai stocks., and during the crisis used uncovered options on the index to bet on the growth of the Standard index&Poor’s 500. He was crushed, but managed to climb upstairs again.

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In July 2001 of the year he was offered to take over the management of the assets of the offshore fund Matador Fund Ltd. The fund's assets at that time were only $2 million. Since then, Matador's assets have grown steadily and by the summer 2006 years reached $346 million. IN 2005 year the fund's profitability was 56%, and the average annual return was at the level 41%. IN 2006 Niederhoffer also set up a second hedge fund.

Nick Leeson (Nick Leeson)

IN 1967 year in a poor working-class family of a simple plasterer William Leeson, a son was born, named by Nick. It happened in a provincial English town called Watford. William Leeson wanted his son to be a civil engineer, but Nick chose a different path - he wished to become a financier.

After graduating in 1989 year university, Nick Leeson first worked for the company “Coutts”, then at the bank “Morgan Stanley”. In 1992, he became one of the employees “Barings” (“Bering”) - one of the most respectable UK banks.

After working for three years in the City of London, Nick was appointed as a trader in the Singapore office of Bering Bank. It should be noted, that he worked brilliantly. This was noted by the management: except for a high salary of 200 000 pounds per year, Barings gave him huge bonuses (Order $ 750 thousand).

Only in 1993 year Nick brought his own bank a profit of about 15 million. pounds (about $24 million) or 10% from all profits. IN 1994 Bering Singapore branch earned 52,9 million pounds sterling (Order $80 million), of which more than half was brought by only one employee – trader Nick Leeson. In the first half 1994 years, Leeson's personal contribution was 18 million pounds.

IN 1995 year his career as a trader ended tragically. Nick Leeson was selling options on the Japanese Nikkei 225, Counting, that the market will be in the corridor. But the Japanese market went downhill, and instead, to close positions with a loss and admit that you are wrong, Leeson started buying futures. The loss amounted to $1,4 billion, which is more than twice the equity of Barings ($615 million). Nick was convicted of 6,5 years of imprisonment. While in custody, he wrote an autobiography "Rogue Trader", which became a bestseller.

Nicholas Taleb (Nassim Nicholas Taleb)

Nicholas Taleb is a recognized authority on trading. Successfully used strategy, which applies random event analysis, brought him the fame of a successful investor and a million dollar fortune. And this considering that, that trading is not his main profession.
He wrote a book that has become popular “Fooled by chance. The hidden role of Chance in Markets and in Life”. Taleb has lectured many times at renowned universities and participated in international conferences, which were dedicated to the stock market.

He is a member of the board of directors of the Centaurus Kappa Fund, Centaurus Capital LP Alpha Fund, Silvercrest-Longchamp NonGaussian Fund, BVI, as well as a member of the scientific committee and editorial board of CISDM Center U. Mass Amherst, Journal of Alternative Investments, U.S. Secretary of Defense’s Cross-Disciplinary Highland Panel, University of Paris-Dauphine DESS 203, Warsaw Institute of Psychology.

Nicholas Taleb founded options and futures hedge fund Empirica LLC, and also acted as the author of the idea of ​​creating the Silvercrest-Longchamp NonGaussian Fund. During his career, he managed to visit the executive director of Union Bank of Switzerland and CIBC-Wood Gundy; Chief Trader of Union Bank of Switzerland, CS-First Boston, Indosuez Bank; BNP-Paribas arbitrage trader, independent market maker of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

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Alan Greenspan (Alan Greenspan)

Low-rise economist with huge glasses, face with expressionless facial expressions is a portrait of the legendary Alan Greenspan, who served as acting chairman FED with 1987 year on 1 February 2006 of the year.
He started his work, nominated by President Reagan, in those times, when instead of “Axes of evil” the common people knew “Evil Empire”, and a personal computer cost as much as a used car, and at the same time its power was equal to a modern mobile phone.

If I may say so, Greenspan was lucky - the stock market crash happened just at the beginning of his work. This and subsequent crises were the reason for decisive measures on his part. Legendary economist guided monetary policy during the longest economic expansion in U.S. history, and growth in economic performance has consistently confirmed its enviable status, bringing him gratitude, Delight, and in some cases fanatical adoration.

Lewis Borsellino (Louis Borsellino)

Thanks to his achievements, the name of Lewis Borselino is called among the luminaries, who belong to the pantheon of trading glory, like Tom Baldwin, Victor Niederhofer and Tudor Jones.

An unprecedented 18-year career has earned him a reputation as the largest and best trader in futures contacts on the Standard. & Poor’s 500 (S&P). Borselino can be seen frequently on CNN and CNBC, where he comments on market events. He owns the words:

“Trading is a unique profession, unlike any other, and being a trader S&P is the best in the world of trading.

The closest analogy to trading is, maybe, professional sports.

And in trading, and in sports there are superstars and long-livers, superior to all others; there are people, budding, which crash or burn with a crash; there are guys, never reaching the top, but seeking it, enjoying good achievements over a long career”.

Edward Lampert (Edward S. Lampert)

In the controversial and vibrant world of modern investment, the name of Edward Lampert is not unknown, no wonder many celebrities are his friends. “Cost” investor, he prefers to take big risks, making giant deals, staying in the shadows.

The life story of a 43-year-old billionaire can serve as a unique and engaging guide, as for experienced investors, so for those, who is just starting their way in the market. He himself, like his method, are solid contrasts. However, contradictions do not prevent Lampert from playing his game on the market so successfully., that if the trend continues then he, undoubtedly, will take a place in the pantheon of the world's great investors.

If we compare Lampert, for example, with Buffett, then Lampert already has more capital, than Buffett, when he was the same age. Return on investment “ESL Investments” after 18 years of existence has reached 29%, which also exceeds 2Berkshire Hathaway” Buffett in the same time. The following names can be found among the clients of the Lampert Foundation, like Michael Dell (Michael S. Dell) - founder of a computer corporation “Dell Inc.”, David Jeffen (David Geffen) - media mogul, Thomas Tooth (Thomas table) - son of the founder “Loews Corp.”.

Bill Gates (Bill Gates)

Over the years, various official rankings of the rich have given the top spot to Bill Gates., which has firmly taken its place in the history of mankind. When he turned 50, his condition was 51 billion dollars. Relationship to the head of the corporation “Microsoft” everyone has their own, but for the majority it is rather negative - adherents of free software have a special dislike for Gates and his company.

Bill Gates was born in Seattle, where he lives now. He got his fortune and status thanks to the case, to which he devoted his whole life - developing software for personal computers.
IN 1975 year, when was Gates 20 years, he is with friend Paul Allen (who is still an employee “Microsoft” and is in the September ranking “Forbes” in third place with 22 billion) - both students at that time at Harvard University, the most prestigious university in the United States - founded a small business “Micro-Soft”. They were going to trade in a version of the BASIC programming language they had developed themselves., which was intended for a household semi-amateur computing device “Altair 8800”. It was a medium-sized rectangular box, which could be placed on the table, what was the difference between the device and huge computing systems, used at the time. “Altair 8800” called “microcomputer”, hence the name of the joint venture, founded by two friends.

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Ingvar Kamprad (Ingvar Kamprad)

Already in childhood Ingvar, born into a family of German settlers, fell in love with trade and procurement activities. While still a toddler, he rode his bike through the village of Agunnarid (south of Sweden), where he was born, and traded in matches, which I bought in bulk during my parents' trips to Stockholm.

Little farm boy, also illiterate, did not try, like money lenders, to add an indecent markup, he sold matches only a little more expensive, what did I buy. Yes, he had no idea, what can be done differently, he could not profit from his neighbors, preferring to do business fairly. Someone will say, what is funny, naively, more childish… But Swedish, without departing from their morals and ideals, was able to create the IKEA company – the largest furniture seller at the moment.

Now IKEA is a company with global sales in 15,5 billion dollars, for which they work 84 thousand people. IN 202 her stores in 32 countries of the world are sold 12 thousand items of goods. The annual circulation of her catalog is 115 million copies, which exceeds the circulation of the Bible!

According to the Swedish magazine “Business of the Week”, Ingvar Kamprad, who is now about eighty, the year before last, removed Bill Gates from the position of the richest man in the world. Truth, need to mark, that it took him over fifty years, unlike his Seattle rival.

Jesse Lauriston Livermore (Jesse Lauriston Livermore)

Jess Loriston Livermore's life was tragically cut short by himself. She belongs to that category, which college nerds like, citing it as a guide to younger generations. After another crash (suggest, what happened because of the government's anger at speculators) Jesse Livermore spent several years trying to raise the initial capital again, but all attempts were in vain and he committed suicide.

Livermore's rise is just as dizzying., as well as his many falls. He earned his first thousand dollars on speculation in stocks for fifteen years, having an initial deposit of three dollars twelve cents. IN 1906 Livermore performed his first major surgery, earning hundreds of thousands of dollars, and by the end of the decade he became famous for the million made literally in a day.. The peak of Livermore's career came in 1929 – when, after years of booming, the U.S. was plunged into the abyss of financial panic and economic downturn.. It was his best year.: anticipating the collapse of markets, he made one hundred million dollars.

The book, “Memories of a stock speculator”, worth reading for everyone: formally this published in 1923 year the work belongs to the pen of journalist Edwin Lefebvre and tells about the life of a fictional hero, Larry Livingstone. Lefebvre wrote “Memories” based on one long interview with Livermore, but in fact, few people doubt, that most of the book was written by Livermore himself – too subtle and accurate details of this fascinating story, describing the life of a great speculator.

Charles Henry Doe (Charlz Henry Dou)

What can be said about Charles Doe? Firstly, he is a journalist, discovered stock America. Secondly, he is a human, belonging to that category, who can practically single-handedly change the course of history, due to its unique mindset, talent, restlessness and natural ability to predict the future.
Charles Doe left us two great legacies. The first is the Dow Jones, first used 3 July 1884 of the year. Then he included 11 companies, later their number increased to 20, and in 1887 year they became 30. Second - founded in the summer 1889 year newspaper “Wall street journal”. At the beginning of its existence, it was possible to purchase a copy of a 1,500 circulation for 2 cent.

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