Thoughts are stronger than reality. Part 3

6.«Thoughts – these are things» Charles Fillmore
Thoughts – these are things. They create and shape them.
Let's imagine our thoughts as a mountain stream for a moment.
The life-giving river originates high in the mountains, flows down to the valley at its foot and feeds the fields and gardens of your life. It would never occur to you to pour chemicals or sewage into this wonderful stream.. Так как Вы понимаете: the result will come back to you in the form of an unhealthy and poor harvest, which you will collect later from your fields and gardens.
It all lies in polluted thinking – мыслях, negative feelings and views. For example – hatred, envy, jealousy, feelings of guilt, friends, – these are pollutants, which disrupt the mental and spiritual ecology of our consciousness.
Each of us (without exception), ever took part in negative conversations: about hard times or illness, injustice and inequality. How did you feel about it?? Personally, I, after such conversations, I feel dumped in mud and slops(((
How to fight? After all, do not stop communicating with these people, just because of their inability to choose topics of conversation?! The person turns away almost reflexively, if someone is sneezing or coughing nearby. The same principle can be used for the ecology of thinking.. Turn your thoughts aside, give up the wrong and harmful «nutrition»!!!
Now let's look at thoughts from a different perspective.. Thoughts can shape things. Почти всё, what we constantly meet and use, was originally a thought. Material things, which we take for granted, and which make life more convenient – pencils, ballpoint pens, chewing gum, журналы, Books, candies, ice cream, mobile phones, television and internet, houses and mansions, – it all started, how thoughts, ideas.

So it would be a mistake to underestimate the role of reason. Наши мысли формируют нашу личность, and no less important, than our behavior.

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If we fill our minds with thoughts to capacity, which we consider to be kind and fruitful, there will be no room for negative thoughts. Learn to discipline and direct your thoughts. It is better to focus on thoughts and actions of constructive, than destructive.

«Finally brethren (мои), what is only true, what honestly, which is fair, what is clean, which is kind, which is glorious, that only virtue and praise, о том помышляйте» (The Apostle Paul's Address to the Philippians)

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