thoughts, data, opinions..

I promised the post.. intrigued, people demand. well, what is promised – it will be done.
but, I'm creative by nature, many thoughts of those days gone by have already sunk into the abyss, or at the current moment the creo-impulse has fallen off for those events.. but, here in the tape I saw the record of the friend deboshir_close and furtively inside me something shuddered.

a person by post got into my map, speaking in the language of NLP..

Yes! I will repent to you – I have been emotionally drained in the last two months. favourite buisness, the passion that made you curse the weekend, at some moment caused an attack of hellish vomit.. “laser again, хреновы charts, sit until night, and his dick knows what will go, what will not work…”

thoughts, thoughts, thoughts…

which way do we choose? why are we here?
извини, I can not today, I live and work American time” – teddy_beer’s phrase (R.I.P. ой.. that is, R.I.O., which means “rest in office”) finishes at the end.. I throw cobblestones at that, who's to say, what Trading – this is freedom! чушь, absurdity and provocation. there is no freedom here. people who say that – liars and sycophants. is it worth the money, what we take from the market, наше время, held in front of three monitors?

remember the year 2010. summer. everything was so new and interesting. prop, atmosphere, etc.. it was adventurous, fun and experimental..

year 2011. almost summer.. девочки, skirts, топики, kids play football, wiry kid on horizontal bars wets new power elements, sounds of in-line 4-cylinder engines of all sorts of suzuk and kawasaki, as well as 2-cylinder ve-shaped specimens of chrome choppers often pleasantly break the silence of an open window. sunny, clear! want to live, breathe and understand the difference between imaginary freedom and real. время московское… Yes, for example 15:00 of the day. “извини, I can not today, I live and work American time”.. Oh shit! well, yes, in 17:30 I have to sit.. like a bayonet.. what if I miss something?? so many levelers, разборов, and what was the teip in the FCUK stack yesterday?. ммм!! today it will definitely be possible to pick up your coin there again…

  the end of story

thoughts, thoughts, thoughts…
what to do with all this money?
during that time, that I was going to success and was sitting without income – I realized the true value of money for myself. FOR ME THEY ARE NOT WORTHING… I don't need money AT ALL, millions – even more so.
I can contemplate calmly +12000 in one deal, and the next day to see everything +6000 from them and within me nothing will shudder. No, of course I'll mutter under my breath “well and e% you are there in your mouth all”, but I will not do N I CH E G O, because I need a good trade, I need my goal and I don't care how much it burns.
I learned to save, conducting electronic home bookkeeping. now the skill of saving is stuck deep inside and I am grateful to the trading school for this. I am not a family man, I live as I want, жгу, soaking and having fun. I do not care about the thoughts of the crowd and I always have my own opinion. i can ask someone's advice, but I'll do it my own way anyway.
and what to do with all this money?

мысли о том, that all summer 2011 you will need to wipe the booty chair – lead to poorly controlled panic… I'm not ready so, what money would it promise me. March was a tough minus month, and April – a record for all my practice. but almost all of April went to cover my March minus (there was even a flight on a gap on -$6000 on the last day of March, but already in early April, the minus was closed).. Now think about what shining numbers I see every day and how it can suck out all the juices.

  Legg Mason about EM

sometimes my friend asks me the right phrase “and who do you see yourself through, for example, 2 of the year”…
ask yourself this question. you can clearly answer for yourself? are you sure, what's on the right track? I used to think of myself as a thinking person, and you need to think a lot about it.

all these thoughts will influence my future approach to trading, I already know in which direction to move on.

but for now… I will gladly sharpen rubber on the sides of the track, on my honda CRF450X motard (yes yes, I used to 3 I've been riding these for years and I already know where to press).. this is the trader's life approach to risk. here 1 cylinder, about 60 horsepower at 130kg weight. acceleration to hundreds – 3 sec, but you will need to lie down on the steering wheel, so as not to roll over. well, this hole will not trample more than 140 km / h… yeees, this is the technique.
I found an outlet again and became even happier…

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