
Взял демо Multicharts. But as it turned out, there, even the trading signals of the systems for placing orders are not shown. The end-of-day scanner does not scan at all. I tried to test the portfolio from 6000 Shares — clearly not coping, took a long time to load tickers — almost all computer memory is full, about 32 GB. Went to sleep, woke up three hours later, like the test is over, but there was a message that a bunch of shares could not be loaded. Then I tried 1000 Ticker, тоже долго, also not all promotions were loaded, and the result turned out to be extremely dubious with a profit factor of more than 11. I know that for such systems it should not be higher 2, but okay.

All in all, single instruments tests correctly.

This is Multicharts

And this is, for comparison Velslab

But portfolios deliver fantastic results. — always test in Multicharts, he inspires hope and optimism (PF= 11.97)


While Velslab carries a decadent mood and pessimism. This is the same system at the same time period. (PF=1.18)


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