Motivation to trade

Do you like the trading process?? Will you trade in that case?, if trade will provide you with only a living wage? Most successful traders will answer yes to this question.. Do you want to increase your motivation to trade?? You can take several steps in this direction.. First, always go your own way. Many people see life as a competitive struggle.. Although, maybe, it will give you pleasure to defeat their friend and feel superior, but you can never be the best. Often, your affairs will be worse, than others, and it will make you feel bad. Against, if you just believe, that you will succeed and just work on yourself, you will learn to think positively, and you will feel highly motivated to trade even after a series of failures. Secondly, believe in that, that trading can be learned. Certainly, everyone knows the fact, that only a select few, from the newcomers, do not go broke. But, if you get hung up on this fact, it is unlikely, that you will have more motivation. Instead of this, if you believe, that anyone can learn to trade, this belief will help you survive in the market. Researches show, that people succeed, if they believe, what new skills can be acquired. Certainly, for many people, survival in the market may not be a worthwhile undertaking, but, believing in the ability to achieve success, regardless of its validity, increases the level of motivation. I.e, if you ever want to learn to bargain, like a real professional, it is very important to be convinced that, that you can learn it. Believe, that traders are not born, they become. Thirdly, don't expect victory. Certainly, everyone wants to win, but, if this desire turns into an obsession, it will be very difficult for you to concentrate. Many people think, that victory is everything, perhaps this is so. but, focusing on that thought alone leads to frustration in the long run. You can feel good, if you won, but, if you were only determined to win, disappointment awaits you if you fail. If you accept victories and defeats, then you will have more motivation for successful trading. Fourth, take them for granted, that trading is a lifestyle. If you trade for profit only, you stop trading, when you have a bad streak. But, if you are considering trading as a fun pastime, you will feel satisfied with the process, and it will be interesting for you to continue trading. If you are considering Trading as your life mission, then you can enjoy this process, no matter if you win, or not, and keep improving your trading skills, until you become a real professional. What is the meaning of feelings of motivation, if you don't win? You have two choices: You can only trade to win, and surrender, after a series of defeats, or you can develop deep motivation to work hard, to gain valuable experience, to develop a skill set, which will increase your chances of success. Success is not guaranteed, but, if you work on it all, the likelihood of achieving continued success will skyrocket.

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