Moscow Exchange plans to start morning trading in shares

Moscow Exchange plans to start morning trading in shares

Representative of the Moscow Exchange (MOEX: MOEX) Reported, that in the fourth quarter of 2021, the exchange may launch morning trading in stocks with 07:00 in Moscow. First, Russian shares from the Moscow Exchange index and the most liquid foreign issuers will be admitted to morning trading. Moscow exchange does not exclude, that in the future trading will take place around the clock, five days a week.

1 March 2021, the Moscow Exchange has already launched the morning session on the currency and derivatives markets. The duration of trading has increased from 14 to 17 hours.

In April, the number of investors on the Moscow Exchange increased to 11.5 million, and last year 5 million people opened brokerage accounts. A longer trading day will lead to more trades and higher commission income for the exchange.

“The exchange continues to actively develop its product line and expand opportunities for all categories of investors. The launch of the morning trading session on the foreign exchange and derivatives markets had a positive impact on volumes and significantly improved the availability of our platform for investors from the eastern regions of Russia and Asia.”, - said the chairman of the board of the Moscow Exchange Yuri Denisov.

Fee and commission income makes up the majority of the exchange's operating income − 72%. In the first quarter, this segment grew by 17%, and total operating income 7,2%. During the year, the shares of the Moscow Exchange added 47%.

Moscow Exchange plans to start morning trading in shares

Operating income of the Moscow Exchange in 1 quarter

2020 2021 The change
Fee and commission income 7909,9 9252,9 17,0%
Interest and other financial income 3992,7 3550,6 −11,1%
Other operating income 85,8 52,9 −38,3%
Total 11 988,4 12 856,4 7,2%

Fee and commission income



The change

Interest and other financial income



The change

Other operating income



The change

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