PAMM portfolio monitoring, week six.

Continuation. Previous part here.

Over the past five days, briefcase lost a little weight, the total profitability for six weeks was +10,4%.
Seven out of eight governors, continue to be profitable, although last week, some traded in the red.

"Victory" – list leader, in a month and a half, PAMM brought investors + 115,48%. But I was very worried about sitting out large losses, a few days ago. В этот раз повезло, the next one - it may not work. This approach should alert investors.

«1020713» + 11,36% – this is the earnings of investors in six weeks. Generally, I like the trading approach, can recommend.

«Anikin Semyon» + 10.26% – this week entered the top three. The same as for the previous manager, no complaints.

"Classical" + 7,68%. It went very well until recently, but last week took a one-time big loss, having lost more than a third of funds. The only plus, that I fixed it myself, but did not wait for the stop-out. Generally, there is a chance to recover.

"New Electronic" + 5,27%. Нынешняя неделя – perhaps, the most unfortunate, in the entire history of trading. The total losses amounted to about 20%, what is visible, caused by increased market volatility. Nevertheless, globally, the account has kept an uptrend on the equity chart, risks are controlled, re-adjustment of loss – No, and possibly, Right away – best time to enter.

«Сокровища Дракона» +4,95%. One of the oldest, the richest and most popular PAMM - on the site. Rarely included, but aptly. Transactions are carried out at night, from sunday to monday, under certain conditions, he tries not to get into misunderstandings. Significant disadvantage – entrance, for almost the entire deposit, so, if something goes wrong, then - you yourself understand ...

"Academy" + 4,61%. Another PAMM old man. Доходность невысокая, periods of rise, give way to unprofitable. For long term investment, especially, if you enter successfully.

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“”- minus 76,29%. The only unprofitable account in the portfolio. Lost three quarters of funds in six weeks - a direct consequence of oversitting. At some point, the loss was more than 95%, but managing(-to him), managed to literally snatch some of the money back. Luck? But, to return everything, a similar trick will have to be done, least, repeatedly. Will the market allow? Generally, events with "tradelike", were widely discussed on Smartlab, and I see no reason to repeat myself.

All in all, places were allocated as follows. At the top of the list, quite aggressive PAMM, пересиживальщик убытка, but so far lucky. Further, moderate bills, with normal risk and profitable trading system, then, a pair of moderately aggressive. They made good money in the beginning., but got hit. Maybe, it makes sense to reduce the risks, and all will be well. Further, Equity ladder builder is coming, with rare, not even every week, входами. Next - conservative account. And at the bottom of the list is the unlucky aggressor-sitter, presently, in negative territory.

If you remember, I also made a virtual portfolio exclusively from aggressive accounts, входящих, on that moment, in the top rating. According to principle, “How not to do, but what many do, especially newbies ". Now, the loss on it is minus 70,2%. Five out of eight PAMM accounts ceased to exist. Real investment in them, six weeks ago, accounted for more 26 million rubles. Naturally, after such leaks, failed investors start screaming, that PAMMs, this is a scam, relevant articles appear on Smartlab, and Timofey, writes about the same in the book. Basically, Yes, of people, invested in casino accounts, it is quite logical to call it suckers, and most of them. However, overwhelming number of participants, merges into futures, because, we are quite logical, we can apply the epithet "sucker" to the latter.

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