Мoмentuм Investing. The Complete Guide to Daytrading High. Growing, volatile stocks, their impulses (Ken Wolff)

The purpose of this Books is, to create a clear picture, explaining step by step, how to invest your own money in stock market, through your personal computer, using my investment methods, what I think is the safest and most profitable stock trading system for a small investor. I've polished my methods so much over the years, that they deserve to be on a par with the best tools on Wall Street, and give profit, more than the best mutual fund can bring. Using my methods, you can make a living, trading less than $ 20,000; they can be used as a beginner, so hardened day trader. I have taught successfully as amateurs, and professionals, making a profit by trading my methods 80 % portfolio profit for two months.
Just imagine: you work at home, Live, Where you want, while making good money! I have one student, which the, trading on 36 foot yacht, in one month from enclosed $ 3000 Did $ 33,000.

I am ready to reveal my trading methods, because I'm sick of seeing, how a middle-income family invests, while getting a miserable return on their invested dollars. Brokers spend on average $120,000 to sell their latest and greatest investment funds, That, it seems to me, give the minimum return, which you can achieve yourself, trading in the stock market. Using my methods, a small investor gets a great opportunity well and consistently, and most importantly, without taking unnecessary risk, get a return on every dollar invested.


  Ultra-short-term System No. 6. Australian Dollar Futures.
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