Silence is a shield against many troubles ...

Hello, friends!

Sometimes you communicate with people and the conversation turns to the results of trafficking.

One says — I have last year in +17% closed, the second one doesn't work Trading, in him 15% loss, the third has lost the deposit and is worried about it…

But the thing is, that these numbers alone do not mean anything.

At the first, which closed the year in +17%, deposit 1000 Dollars. He earned in a year 170 Dollars.

Second, whose loss 15%, has a business, which brings him 5000-7000 dollars monthly, and trading — for the soul. Depot — 10 000 ye, so the loss for the year — 1 500 Dollars.

The third — took out a loan, sold the car and decided to become a professional trader and live only from the market. He needed solid capital, understand. And so he lost everything.

On Smartlab, and even among traders, it is customary to talk very often about % profitability. But without context, these % don't mean anything. If you say A — speak a and b. Otherwise, talk about nothing.


Reality is nothing, and anyone is capable of interpreting it independently, who has at least some brains ... Evidence-based power of interpretation, certainly, depends on the hardness of the basis of the facts. But much more it depends on the correct concept.. It is she who creates the context for the facts., bed, on which they flow, in which. Elena Kotova, "Joint Stock Company of Women", 2012 year

May God grant you health, at least until the next blog update Zen trading

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