My creative marketing (+proposal)

Sometimes you have to dig in your own head. Conduct, how Dr. House (By the way, good series), deep analysis of internal psychological processes. Why, with all that, what am i doing, what I like, the, which brings me a good income, I still have no satisfaction by myself, my life?

Yes, there are several excuses. My parents don't take it, what I do, seriously. It is incomprehensible to them., because it falls out of the traditional worldview, because there is no stability, retirement benefits and tax deductions in a reasonable form set out in the Law. Therefore, I often hear from them a phrase like: «You haven't achieved anything yet… did not prove… did not implement… didn't convince…»

Earlier I thought, that this opinion is due to a simple rejection of a non-standard type of activity, unlike everything, what are the people doing. But this point of view of mine was, as it turned out, short-sighted. I kept on puzzling: what's wrong?

Next moment, which opened to me:

To! So there is an internal conflict in trading itself.! After all, what is it about?? We want to make good money, as trustees, managing investor assets in the amount of well at least a million ye, but at the same time we cannot earn money on our own this insignificant amount. There are so many funds in the world, and we are hoping for someone like chickens, for investors, like that chicken, which will give us control of the golden egg.

But that's not all. Manage other people's funds for me, Not understanding, for whom I am managing and how these funds were earned – basis for another internal conflict. Would you cooperate with a person, who made money, selling people into slavery abroad, or supplying weapons to militants, or preparing terrorist actions? My answer – NO!

  What are they hoping for????

I'll be honest, I was a little embarrassed myself, when all of the above was revealed to me, until now, all internal contradictions were latent. I simply could not identify them for a long time and did not understand, what gnaws at me.

And finally, one more moment. I don't know how in Russia, but in the Republic of Belarus for any more or less large purchase (new car, real estate, etc., n times the base value), necessary provide a declaration, where your income will be reflected, and if the income does not allow you to justify this purchase – questions arise with all the ensuing consequences…

That is why I have been thinking for a long time about, what kind of business should I organize, which would correspond to my worldview, would allow realizing the potential, etc.. And for the moment stopped at that, what is my field of activity – this is PR, creative marketing (including guerrilla and viral), реклама, brand positioning and promotion. No wonder I have a higher education as a political scientist and lawyer. Here I am my own master and head. By the way, you can read my article on News (a very well-known and promoted resource of geeks and all sorts of internet psychos) about advertising campaigns of MTS and life:) and their mistakes, and also article Patterns and ways to break them, written in the same place.

The fact is also remarkable, what opposing the use of karma on this resource, giving their high karma (700-ranked by reputation) to slaughter the gray mass, actually stepping on the administration's pet peeve, Nevertheless, as a result of clashes of opinions, they agreed with my opinion (admin comment Shoohurt), although I didn't follow, did they make any changes or not, although this moment has risen to me a thousand times and to no avail.

  A task 2 from GRE

In this way, i'm preparing launch own creative agency, which aims to reach the forefront among competitors, where I can interact with society and the minds of consumers at the level of mass consciousness and psychology, receiving the most understandable feedback in the form of consumer reaction. I will cooperate with those companies and leaders, who don't want to use stupid template advertising methods, containing a lot of errors and miscalculations, but want to apply the live experience and knowledge of great practitioners and marketing gurus and simply interesting authors: Jack Trout, Peter Cook, Jay Conrad Levinson, Ruben Mondejar, Paula Hanley, Arthur Gogatsa, Paula Von Aiken etc.

I noticed the fact, that for a long time rate advertising, films, clips, and the whole communicative stream pouring on a person from the point of view of strong and weak decisions, presence of stamps and miscalculations, than annoying my family, who ask to refrain from commenting and let them watch TV calmly. Maybe, it's in the blood )

Yes, By the way, about the line +proposal in the title of the topic. In the sector of my attention are now social networks, their phenomenon is an interesting environment for research. And if at first I turned to my friend, when I was promoting my groups on the network vkontakte, now I'm ready to offer their services for those, who cares. Creation and design of the group vkontakte takes a little time, but you need to fill it with participants, what is mass inviting used for, then, if your group is interesting and reaches a good level in terms of quantity – you are guaranteed a certain constant traffic in the group and on the links from it to your resource. By the way,, I have a large number of transitions to the blog is made from there. In it you can advertise your product and your goods., your website or blog (there are restrictions). For details – write to my contacts. There will be a discount for my readers, but for me it will be a kind of launching pad for development. Zero reference point.

  why markets are falling?

Good luck!

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