My proposal for a partnership

so, I already wrote about, I'm going to open a marketing agency. During this time, I spoke with many people, probed the soil. In fact, an interesting field for creativity. But! Have to start from scratch. And it's not just legal issues, recruiting a team, process organization, but also in the study of pricing policy, продвижении, absorbing new information. Time will eat up a lot. Actually then, why I started trading – the presence of freedom of action will immediately disappear. I don't want to live in an office away from my family. Даже сейчас, when i leave my son for a while, he immediately begins to be capricious and bored. Got used to it, that dad and mom are always together. And it's great!

So life itself gave me the answer – dolbi svoe, then, what are you a professional. И я долблю.

That is why here is a new page for you to read. – TRUST MANAGEMENT.

  Аналитика фьючерсов.
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