I certainly don't have gray boobs, but 7 years of active trading (in a month will knock).
I will try to express my IMHO on the essence of the question.
It seems to me, Timo is looking for solutions not to problems, and their consequences.
It seems to him, that all his troubles are due to lack of discipline.
So it goes so, but the main thing is, what lack of discipline has its reasons. If you don't get rid of these natural causes – it is impossible to artificially maintain this very discipline at a distance. It's like having a toothache, try to endure and control yourself and maintain your old rhythm of life. Then beat yourself up every day for, that you are such a weak-willed amoeba, you cannot cope with the task! And because of this, reflect even more.
What solutions for toothache does Timo offer?
- Take a pain reliever i.e.. reduce the trading volume to the minimum)
- Take less and less pain relievers as you get used to the pain., until the feeling of pain completely disappears)) Ie. increase volume as results stabilize.
I think everyone understands, that this will not lead to anything even the most strong-willed and principled person.
And what needs to be done is? Just go to the doctor and remove the cause of all troubles.
What is a doctor for Timofey?
Awareness and acceptance of that, what all 10 or how many years were there in the wrong direction initially.
Moose isn't due to lack of discipline., and lack of understanding of the market.
Timofey doesn't have a trading robot, and decisions are made and filtered manually, based on market understanding. In fact, he claims, that of all decisions, he mainly makes unprofitable, at the same time, at the time of their commission, he knows about it and most importantly, that at that moment he knows how to do it right(!!!!!) – that's what it is the essence of undisciplined steps, I'm right?
You feel, that this is some kind of self-indulgent?)) Self harm, realizing this at the moment of committing their actions – a balanced, objective, rational, prudent and inclined to analyze and correct his mistakes, with whom, Timofey Martynov is undoubtedly.
So it's all an illusion. In fact, out of several, of seemingly correct trading decisions at the time of action, the most optimal and Timofey understands this at the moment of pressing the button. But after a while it turns out, that it was in fact suboptimal, but the optimal was something else, which also seemed right. There is a reaction "Blt, well, I knew!!!!!», and since he knew and did not do it means lack of discipline)))
In fact, the reasons for making a suboptimal decision are:
- Initially unprofitable strategy at a distance, what the author is afraid to admit to himself, especially when you spent on it 10 years of life.
- Lack of formalization of a profitable strategy, what trader tries to compensate with its decisions based on its understanding of the market, which actually doesn't give a fuck)) And an underpharmalized potentially profitable strategy turns into a losing one in fact)
Ie. for example it looks like this: I missed my goal and left ahead of time, although I knew I had to sit!! In fact, you did the most rational action based on your past experience.. And past experience suggests, that the price very often falls short of the target and instead of profit you often end up with a loss. because if the price reached the target often enough – you would have no fear, which leads to a change in your actions. The solution to the problem is not, to cut off your fingers every time you exit a trade before the system goal, a revision of the parameters of the strategy and understanding of the market to increase the percentage of profitable systemic trades. Once you do it, then you will get rid of the toothache, ie. you don't have to break yourself, and optimal decisions will be made in a state, close to comfortable.
The result of my reasoning is the conclusion that, that time should not be spent on training self-discipline, but for self-development.
That is, instead of, what to drive 2 lota rts for a minute like a complete asshole with the same flawed trading approach, which has been for 10 years as a result of unprofitable years of trading – it would be better to start STUDYING THE MARKET.
Waste time not honing your actions in a completely sterile trading approach, but to find the right path. Better late, than never.
And then after a dozen years, trading on moving averages with a short stop and considering yourself versed in the market is at least the deepest delusion..
My imho