At today's close, the MICEX index fell by about -11% year to date, which corresponds -70% per annum. But `` Until Positions Are Closed, Loss No & quot;. :)

The subconscious mind says that it's time to buy shares for those who do not have them and have free money. Investors have money, of course, No, because if he is not a novice investor, then all the money should have been in stocks for a long time. Free money can only be with those who slept for a long, long time and suddenly suddenly woke up with unused rubles — it is a convenient moment for them to enter Russian stocks.

But this is just the voice of my subconscious. Who trusts him, can take advantage. I personally, I do not trust and I only play systemically…. :)

Top 10 the strongest stocks out of MocStore Top at the moment by technology SCTR:

Top 10 the weakest stocks (in order from bottom to top)

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