MMCIS does not pay

I recently wrote about hysteria with FX Trend

Readers spoke in the comments to that article in that vein, that black PR Forex Trend was organized by MMCIS. And he is supposedly the organizer of MOFT — associations of traders, from which Trends were excluded as part of the same black PR.

And then I look — на сайте Трендов stock — «Rescue of the drowning»! The point is, that since September, MMCIS has ceased to pay funds to investors and in this regard, on the MMGP forum, a wave of claims went out among the people. For this, they even organized a special flower with monitoring the situation online.. Можете посмотреть сами.

Well, according to the terms of the action, Trends from the lord's shoulder there from above for the affected investors throw some interest. Show off? Yes. But the post is not about that.

Unpleasant, that another regular company is crumbling. I will not call it a pyramid — this is not in my competence and everything is not clear yet.

And yet such is the fact.

MMCIS does not pay.

As for Kondakov Kostya himself, then he posted the text on VKontakte, where stated:

Dear friends, recently, in connection with the statement of the MMSIS company about the raider attack, I began to receive many letters from you with a request to explain certain aspects of the company's work and help you, as the head of the company.

However, I have never been and am not its leader.. That, what someone wrote on some forum, that I created the MMSIS company and that I manage it, reality simply does not correspond.

I am only trader и аналитик, who analyzes the situation and gives his forecasts or sends them in the form of an order to the metatrader system. I write Books, reviews, articles, I issue trading signals based on the data I process — and this is my job.

I never, I didn't take money from anyone, I have not been and am not engaged in payment processing and other internal issues of the company, about which you write to me. I just do not have such authority and this is not my job..

Furthermore, I have never in my life signed a single contract with anyone on behalf of the company and have never been in a management position in it.

Concerning, I want to appeal first of all to media representatives with a request to present people with reliable information, factual and documentary, and not anonymous inscriptions on the fence. That's why, how when people read headlines like "MMSIS founder Konstantin Kondakov announced a raider attack on the company", then they then come to me, уверены в том, that I am the founder and write me in private messages with questions and requests, in which I, in theory, cannot help them, because I am not the founder of MMSIS.

I know the general aspects of the company's work, its strategy and goals, I, as an analyst, try to keep the logic of all processes and that, what's going on around the company, I can make my statements and post comments on any aspect, however, this does not mean, that I am the head of MMSIS ...

Earlier I spoke with the promotion of the "MMSIS Investments" program in the stock market, in which I believed and believe now. I think something, what the MMSIS company planned to do for the stock market and the Ukrainian economy cannot be compared with anything in terms of positive effect, and I would love to support you now, As a person, any other company with a similar initiative.

Я подтверждаю, that I was actually the face of the MMSIS brand at the time, когда компания «ММСИС Инвестментс» выходила на stock market, however, I got paid for it and never directed her.

At the moment, due to difficulties in the company due to a raider attack, a lot of people come to me with questions, which I physically cannot handle, therefore, until the company resolves all its issues, I have to stop responding to private messages. Otherwise, I won't have time to work..

In general, my opinion about, what happens is that, that the company is just trying to bring down, however i believe, whatever happens next, company, as always before, fulfill all its obligations to everyone and recover from shocks.

Read the statement here.

  Opening accounts with Finam

That's it…

May God grant you health!

My world
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