The Ministry of Finance received permission to buy shares of Russian companies and OFZs with money from the NWF

IN 2022 Up to a trillion rubles are planned to be allocated for investments

The Ministry of Finance received permission to buy shares of Russian companies and OFZs with money from the NWF

9 March, the President of Russia signed the law, which allows the investment of funds from the National Welfare Fund in shares of Russian issuers in the secondary market and government securities.

The government has already decided to allocate 1 trillion rubles from the NWF in 2022 for the purchase of securities. This will be done by the Ministry of Finance, which will determine, how and for how long the purchases will take place. For transactions, the Ministry has the right to involve the state corporation VEB.RF.

So far, only that is known from the conditions, that OFZ and shares, which can be bought with the funds of the fund, should not be linked to the financing of self-sustaining infrastructure projects.

The purchase of securities is one of the government's measures to support the Russian stock market, which experienced a strong drop in late February. 28 In February, the Moscow Exchange stopped trading in Russian shares and 9 March has not yet resumed them..

The National Welfare Fund was established in 2008 and is designed to provide pension payments to citizens and cover the deficit of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The NWF is replenished from the excess revenues of the federal budget from the oil and gas sector. On 1 February 2022 savings amounted to 13.6 trillion rubles.

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