microeconomics: 10 years later

Having fun with the Principles of Economics for Scientists course on Coursera. Despite the formidable name, the course turned out to be an ordinary micro, during which all explanations go using the formulas.

There were two interesting points: 1) how well I remember, what did I know, preparing for the olympiads 10-12 years ago; 2) how terrible is the formulaic language of presentation (my bible was McConnell-Bru).

Was, that you need to listen to the lectures of the course only to, to do homework without looking at the forum (after looking at the discussion of assignments, you can guess what's what). Although the spanglish professor is pleasant to the ear and the style of presentation is very impressive. Herein, context remembered “lectures” to the alma mater and thought, that over time, hatred of the institution gives way to pity for people :) As for the mathematization of the presentation, to my surprise I found it not at all devoid of meaning. Although the space for reflection is sharply narrowed, which is not always good. Truth, reading the forum of another course on micro and bumping into some discussion on Ms Rand, хочется сделать все экономические courses высокоматемизированными для того чтобы а) weed people out on mental grounds; b) hand the framework as a flag in your hands without allowing you to take a step aside for several years of study :).

Under the cut, what the surviving notes look like in comparison with their counterpart of the high-tech age :)


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