International kickbacks.

Russia wrote off more 20 billion dollars of African debt

Russia wrote off a loan to Kyrgyzstan for almost half a billion dollars

Russia wrote off the DPRK's debt in the amount of 11 billion dollars.

Questions immediately arise. Russia is who? Or rather, who specifically under the word & quot; Russia" write off debts? What's this, new type of kickbacks and cuts — international kickbacks? Tandem cancels debt to Africa 20 billion, and Africa to them for this in Abramovich's London common fund 10-15 billion rollbacks? After all, nothing just happens. THEY cannot build a stadium in St. Petersburg, don't know where 1,5 take a billion dollars and ask the townspeople to chip in on a ruble, but they forgive" 20-and billions of dollars in debt…

As a last resort, assuming that debts are written off disinterestedly and without kickbacks, why not write off Africa, for example not 20 billion, and 18. BUT 2 a billion to demand for the construction of a stadium in St. Petersburg……..

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