The event started. 1 series.

so, this year it is necessary to extend the residence permit in the Russian Federation. Для этого надо:

1. Fill out an application. I downloaded the statement from the site. It is not clear only, it should be on one sheet on both sides (how often do they require) or on two sheets? Just in case, I will fill in both options.
2. Provide a residence permit and make a copy of it. A copy has not yet been xeried.
3. Provide passport. It is written that if the passport is in a foreign language, then you must provide a notarized translation. Will have to do, although the exact same translation should gather dust with them (FMS) in the archive — handed over, when did I receive a residence permit.
4. Receipt for payment of state duty — 2000 rubles.

And everything seems to be.

But when I went to the website of the local FMS, I was in for a surprise — turns out with 1 January 2015 years when extending a residence permit, I must prove that I know Russian, Russian legislation and Russian history!!!!!!!!!! I read the law several times and realized that it was drawn up rather ambiguously and vaguely — if, upon obtaining a residence permit, it is allowed to provide a document of graduation from any institution in Russian, then when extending a residence permit, it logically turns out that it is a document on knowledge of the Russian language that must be provided, legislation and history, that is, get a certificate. Certificates are issued by some educational institutions, but what is most interesting, it is written that their the list will be published later!!!!!! — that is, they are not yet available and it is not known when they will be……

Then I looked at the website for the appointment schedule on the issue of extending the residence permit — it happens two days a week for two hours. And, at this time they also accept on issues of a temporary residence permit and on issues of confirmation of annual income from persons who have a residence permit, and residence permit…. to be stunned — this will be such a queue that you won't get it, or rather, just do not get an appointment.

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To be continued…..

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