Change your mindset

Most traders who come to the market read many books and articles on trading., without understanding their essence. The main problem is not, that they didn't bother to read the material, and not in the ability to understand it and apply it in practice.


When I was in college as a programmer, listened to lectures and wrote programs as I was told, but they were very primitive. Any modification tasks were given to me with great difficulty.. This was not caused by my stupidity or laziness., I just did not understand how they work and the logic of their implementation. So three years passed in vain.

Then I got tired of it, teachers demanded to change the algorithm of their work, as a fool I didn’t understand, what do they want from me. I knew functions and how to write them, but did not understand the logic of building the program, that a large task is divided into many sub-conditions and one program can be executed 10000 options, what will fit into the head.

Then 3 I spent a month at home and every day from scratch, I did not use templates to compose various algorithms for its implementation. I could already complete those tasks, who didn't even know how to do it. I just understood the whole chain of its construction and I myself came up with a method for solving.

I defended my diploma for 5k :)


Perhaps the example is not entirely correct, but I wanted to say, what 1000 read books will not give you anything if you do not understand why everything should be as it is written there and do not check it. You have to start thinking, study with your head and understand what caused this or that movement, motion options.

Need to understand, why stock пошла так, and not in another way and what are her possible further movement.

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