
MegaBlog- – this is an amalgamation of posts from popular trading blogs . This section will allow you to track interesting topics and track popular trends in trading., understand what traders live.

Sber – pref

Sber-n has already shorted everything, who can. The broker has reached the limit on this security. Pity, what a pity…

We are looking for traders

We – Students BUT. Gerchik, we trade on the NYSE. Now we are opening an office, in which we want to collect
a team of traders of five people to trade together and develop many times faster.
There are already three of us, need two more people.

Primary requirements:
work experience – at least a little self-control
head on shoulders
ability and desire to work one hundred percent
desire to work in a team

If you are new – we insist on tough risk management.
We have a clear development program developed by our broker and Alexander Mikhailovich.
Successful traders can trade as they like.

If you want to work with us, what is required of you:
your computer your desk and chair
6000 rubles for technical needs (the Internet, rent)

The office is located five minutes from the Belorusskaya metro station in a guarded building.
There is a dining room, there is, parking lot.
The office also has all the amenities (restroom, shower) .
Room area – 20 square meters.

Contacts: Telephone:

8-926-302-46-75 Nikita
8-963-618-23-33 Denis

Skype: tita_smol – Denis
nzonine – Nikita

[email protected]
[email protected]

FROM THE: big guy changed his mind

50.000sherz.. and just one cent of losses = $500
we will find out soon, why did he change his mind
upd: the stock sank lower to close. the exit saved him money. could he know something, which the smaller participants did not know.. but he did not go into shorts, i kept my hand on the button – stand with him.

Still short for Sberbank?

And a couple of days ago, dreamers told, that Sberbank has run out of buyers :)
Something tells me, what if oil breaks up, the same awaits us for Rosneft, and even, on “transfused” Lukoil, despite the company's poor reporting.

I thought about the tape.

opening today. up for joy. It's cool! I was thinking – need to adjust the tape, to show only the actions of large participants. did so.
looking at AIG. interesting… we open and what we see? first 5 trading minutes, when the most flurry and confusion – no major participant buys. by smaller stacks – the same picture. it says something about me)
as you wish – but I have another tape insight. love ribbon!

Anton Nosik

Who knows, why the famous businessman Anton Nosik took such a dubious nickname as [info]dolboeb

Perchance, there is a hidden meaning? Like he hits the same thing, dick knows how much?

Or it struck him for frankness? I don't want to offend Anton, but this option suggests itself.

I know him personally – smart and adequate person. But why put such a nickname – for the life of me I don't understand!

By Nikita Zonin aka Maxim Rotik

The quality of gasoline will improve after the new year. Gasoline will become cheaper

About how oil is stolen in Russia, about how gasoline is boiled in urine in Russia.

Picture 17 from 163520

Recently, there has been more and more talk about the quality of fuel available in Russia.. Certainly, this is a very relevant topic for everyone, After all, I will only grant you two things, we and the authorities are alike:
1) We are all mortal;
2) We all need fuel.

A fairly large number of chemical and biological compounds can be considered fuel.. but I'm writing about gasoline. For our citizens, it has long been a rule of awareness of the cost of gasoline and the illegality of motorists in the fight against this problem., in the fight for a fair treatment of their own money.

so, in the most (MOST) the quality of gasoline will increase significantly in the near future, we will no longer repair the car for several days after an unsuccessful refueling. And the unscrupulous gas stations themselves will be branded, which will drastically de-energize them (scare away all customers) and will lead to the destruction of the business. The risk is great, much cheaper to monitor the quality of gasoline, expand the network of filling stations and related services.

This will lead to a revision of the financial policy by the owners of the gas stations., they will start to reduce the cost per liter. Consequently – increased competition, dumping. Some small mixing stations, Gas stations and fuel delivery services will suffer serious losses.

But we will get high-quality fuel at its real cost..

All citizens of the Russian Federation know, that we have oil state bureaucratic folk, only the money from her sale does not belong to me US.

Gasoline in America is much cheaper than in Russia.
Our oil is expensive!
Why is our oil burning out?

Mining technologies, processing, cleaning and delivery the best leave much to be desired and eat a lot of money, so we have to increase the cost of fuel, which only hits our wallets.

author: Koreshkov Yura [info]greatdesigner – my good friend

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