
MegaBlog- – this is an amalgamation of posts from popular trading blogs . This section will allow you to track interesting topics and track popular trends in trading., understand what traders live.

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The way to think about The Great Recession:

·         originate-to-distribute

·         savings glut

·         credit bubbles

·         financial accelerator

Portfolio Leaders by CanSlim Method.

My Stock Portfolio Leaders by CanSlim from IBD100 Lists. Only I do not buy according to their rules., when a stock breaks out of base, but I try to be ahead of the curve with a short stop. The downside is that, that many stocks are closed with a stop. The experiment started recently — the first share on this strategy was bought 24.11.2009.

GMCR +30%

VSEC +24%

WDC +18%

New from Finwiz.

A handy little thing made by Finwiz for a quick assessment of the situation in the futures market:

Day commentary

Unfortunately, could not comment before, Nevertheless, I see, that in the states the situation has deteriorated technically. Citigroup Report Contributes to Technical Drawing. That's why, continuing comments from last week, ES seems to be on the mark 1100.


Possibly hastened with the assessment, such a turn was not intended. Looks like bear trap. 3 times bounced off the level 1130. Some people expect good reporting from IBM and this may explain such activity


so, if i weren't an asshole and a loser, how you should have behaved (or study, Max, you see it will come in handy)

Seemingly simple:

  • stop in the area of ​​the previous high if the high is not too far away or in the area of ​​the previous low if not too close.
  • add to the pose if we draw a new low

That is, something like this (stop for all inputs one, двигать вниз…)

Why close everything at the end? But because not the previous top-up (previous update of minimums) the market somehow did not like this business and decided to quickly roll back. Therefore, the second chance must be used, oh don't wait for the stop to close.

Well it's not a secret, that the score would be doubled? So don't be crap next time!

My mind is read by telepaths from across the ocean :))

I have a boycott today, but still decided to check in on my blog.

Recently voiced my 'thoughts out loud"   ,
and here it is already more extensive and
AND ,By the way, recently made a forecast for oil ( on 25 years) , which was analytically confirmed by Goldman Sachs in the latest issue, which also talks about technological change , and there are also works about the myth of the peak of oil production, who wants can find.

Interview with a trader: Rob Roy

Rob Roy before, how to start trading the markets full time, was the head of an independent financial consulting firm, which he founded in 1992 G. Rob trades options with 1996 of the year. He views options as an opportunity to make a profit on the market, regardless of direction.. Rob also conducts seminars on trading in financial markets at the company “Optionetics“.

Question: […]

I completely forgot…

Great Megakukle hinted, that Sber-obychka goes to the calculated goal in 90 rubles per share. Enough for now.

Fabulous beauty

For several days already winter pleases with delightful landscapes and clear blue skies. In the woods, on a ski trip, as if you find yourself in a children's fairy tale about Morozko. “School of graphics”, as our university teacher of drawing talked about this season. Chilly, Really. I feel comfortable in winter with minus 7-10, and the last week costs fifteen to twenty, at night below. As always, a little is not enough for happiness :)

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