
MegaBlog- – this is an amalgamation of posts from popular trading blogs . This section will allow you to track interesting topics and track popular trends in trading., understand what traders live.

The pulse of the global economy

The pulse of the global economy can be well felt through the reporting of multinational Caterpillar (CAT). You probably know, what does the translation from English mean “гусеница”. So this caterpillar reported poorly today and the forecast for the year is also not sunny. Therefore, this caterpillar crawls for a long time until it turns into a butterfly..
This in turn led to “down draft” on the market.

Streaming Stock Quotes Are

Real Time Stock Quote
Source: NYSE ARCA Real-time Stock Prices
Extended Hours 53.00
Last Trade -2.85 (-5.1%)
Pre-Market Change

Volume 09:21:25 AM EST
Close Price (—)
Change 0
Volume 01-26-2010
Market Close

The current day of the stock speculator :)

Woke up, skiing is cold. Instead of charging, I played the synthesizer, viewed forums, ЖЖ, news. I start to open trading terminals.
While sleeping, triggered an order to open a short position on QGH0 (mini natural gas) and closed by the stop with a profit position PAH0 (palladium) about +8% (position with 24.12.2009)
We look at the situation in the markets in the picture with a post below — undefined. Forecasts, who is interested in them, read analysts :)
Further events will be posted as they become available. :)

Alpha pleases this time…

Withdrawing money from a brokerage account, including calculation of tax liabilities, now takes only 2-3 minutes. Progress is evident.

During periods of declining indices…

…it can be very funny to read Demura's blog. but, every time, more and more you begin to doubt the integrity of the mental health of the owner and some commentators, every downward movement considering it as a signal to the power supply.

All on equal terms…

As many people know, HFT( high frequency trading) use things, in order to get ahead of all other participants in the struggle for the execution of their orders by placing their orders for values ​​less(more), than the increment( tick size). For example, if ask price 25, they use their programs to place orders for 24.9999 and thus get ahead of the crowd. To level the playing field for all participants( although HFTs will outperform due to the speed of the algorithms)exchanges start a company to allow decreasing the increment, so that everyone has the opportunity to place their orders for values ​​less, how 1 cent.

Keynes vs. Hayek

thanks [info]gwadelup 

New project:

We will soon be posting clips from interviews with leading
economists on macroeconomic concepts and the current
state of macroeconomics.

gross VS. net statistics

forget at all, that there is a gross – here, in my opinion, transition to a new higher quality level in trading.
all calculations, estimates, statistics and plans to keep net and think about trading also net.

here is an example of quality self-deception… let's say commission 2 dollars per circle 100sh:
enter a trade with a stop of 5c, we take 25ts…
"vaaaauch" – the ego tells you – "I did 1 к 5"
"хрен тебе" – says reality"your net risk was 7c, and your net profit turned out to be 23c, so just get it 1 k ~ 3.3"

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