
MegaBlog- – this is an amalgamation of posts from popular trading blogs . This section will allow you to track interesting topics and track popular trends in trading., understand what traders live.

Japanese yen, 6j

<Эксклюзивно для подписчиков> I apologize for the long silence. We continue to consider the signals by candlesticks. Today we will get acquainted with the property of long black bodies to resist bulls. so, carefully read the schedule.

 </Эксклюзивно для подписчиков>

In the context of the previous post

Chinese policies that promote domestic firms and create barriers against foreign ones could cause American companies to lose interest in China, U.S.Commerce Secretary Gary Locke said on Thursday.

Ted S. Warren / AP
US Commerce Secretary Gary Locke

Locke’s warning to Beijing against backsliding on economic openness and the rule of law came amid rising complaints about trade from both partners in a bilateral trading relationship worth more than $330 billion last year.

&quot;Recent events, specifically the well-publicized Google incident, have reminded us of the continued challenges faced by foreign and U.S. companies operating in China," Locke said in a speech at the U.S.-China Business Council’s annual forecast conference.

Google, the world’s top search engine, said on Jan. 12 it would not abide by Beijing-mandated censorship of its Chinese-language search engine and might quit the Chinese market entirely because of cyber attacks from China.

&quot;China needs to continue making strides to be more transparent, predictable and committed to the rule of law. If there is backsliding on these issues, it will affect the appetite of U.S. companies and other foreign companies to enter the Chinese market and ultimately that will be bad for both the people of China and the United States," Locke said.

He also criticized a Chinese government plan to promote &quot;indigenous innovation" by giving Chinese companies that use Chinese intellectual property an advantage in bidding on government procurement projects.

влияние авторитета

nature gave the human subconscious such a feature, how to be subject to the `` influence of authority ''. completely uncontrollable from consciousness. automatically..
it's everywhere among us: Doctors, traffic cops, other people in uniform, different experts, which we have to hear and listen to.. without controlling it, act according to their vision of the situation..
why did nature come up with this? perhaps for survival.. perhaps the need for socialization of a person imposed these rules.
all these processes are especially well described in R. Cialdini's book The Psychology of Influence..

now we project this onto trading.. almost all, who work for nyse are in the zone of influence of authority. and the authority itself is not involved here, it is only the weakness of the subconscious that makes its insidious work automatic for people.. everywhere the same set of terms & quot; homework, базы, figures & quot;, all have a standard set of charts… everything would be fine, but….

моё мнение такое: in trading, the influence of authority completely breaks flexibility! and without flexibility there is no survival. we all laid out the diaries on our monitors, yes five minutes… все мы сидим и делаем "домашки" (heck, what an unprofessional word for such a serious business)…looking for a `` base '', bounce off the `` figures ''.. what kind of figures? wax chtoli? finally killed the `` wool ''… what's this? from the word `` wool ''? о боже
well, let's get down, bend and bend this stick… stubbornly and persistently.

and the exit is so close – just add to this range, which works perfectly for one person and not a fact, what will work for others – SOMETHING of its own… just flexibly add a couple of new & quot; colors" into this rainbow. or vice versa – exclude half of the excess. and here he is – a completely new view of the situation!.. most likely more psychologically comfortable for a particular trader.. because, that during the session you need to trade, and when the markets are closed, necessary: THINK, THINK and THINK again….


While in the Senate 77:23 Bernanke passed, now the final vote. Looks like, but the market does not react positively yet.

Update 00:00


Trend-tracking futures portfolio

The trend-following portfolio is gradually decreasing. Maybe, the trend will change, therefore, the system does not open new deals yet, because smart, or just thinks of himself as such. The following items remain in stock:

Sugar +25,22%

Oat +9,82%

Corn +2,15%

Wheat +6,33%

Ten year notes +0,24%

Mini Natural Gas +4,39%

Jena +0,78%

Eurodollar +0,06%
(not to be confused with euro / dollar) :)

Bernanke voting

Bernanke's fate in Congress will be decided in 23:20 Moscow time.
Watch out

Если я не ошибаюсь, then the majority of the Republicans are against Bernack.. It's hard to imagine how the market might react. Up then a little, but down significantly.

New interview with AM

A very fresh interview with Alexander Mikhailovich Gerchik.

I advise everyone.

Happy viewing.

Technical look

 Here is a 2-hour ES chart with red trends,which are critical in this structure

Henry Clews

Henri Clouzot was born in England in 1836, and in 1850 emigrated to the United States. Clouzot began as a clerk in a large company-importer, and only later moved into the financial sector business. Clouzot became a member of the New York Stock Exchange shortly after the panic of 1857, during which prices have fallen about 50 percent. “This crisis has sounded a funeral march for the old conservatism in the” Street “- wrote Clouzot. – There was a young race of financiers, to fill the seats of the old conservative leaders. ” For all its extravagance Clouzot was an investor in the price. He realized that “in light of all this tumultuous mass of facts are the laws of nature if we study them for their control facilities, they (the laws) will be working exactly the same way as the rising sun.”

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