
MegaBlog- – this is an amalgamation of posts from popular trading blogs . This section will allow you to track interesting topics and track popular trends in trading., understand what traders live.

Motivational handjob and blog bias

Вот так бывает: занимаешься любимым делом, and then the enthusiasm gradually disappears, there is even depression, because desire disappears and you want “отдохнуть”. To avoid this, I consider it necessary to constantly watch some interesting videos., chat on forums, read quotes and so on, show enthusiasm and deal with formalities at least a little. Well at least […]

Two ways.

There are two ways in life. The path of the Warrior and the path of the Contemplator. When I got too impatient and too active – life kept me warm, by inserting a stick into the wheel, and I was sliding down a couple of steps. When I spent too much time waiting for the grace of the universe, `` contemplating the waters of the river '', they kicked me, sometimes tough, so I start to move. Is wise, кто понимает, when to row, and when to surrender to the will of the current.

James Stephen Fossett

James Stephen Fossett was born April 22, 1944, in Jackson, Tennessee. Childhood and youth passed in Garden Grove, California. From a young age Steve Fossett was a member of the Scout Movement. In 1966, Fossett graduated from Stanford University with a degree in economics. In 1968 he was awarded the title of Master of Economics at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. In the same year, Steve Fossett married Peggy Wieland. Up to 40 years old Fossett was known only in business circles. He made a very successful career at the exchange, and even became the founder of the largest U.S. trading corporation Lakota Trading Inc., Co-owner of the company Scaled Composites. In 1985, apparently bored of achievements in business, Steve Fossett decided to swim the English Channel. It was just a challenge to myself – and the fourth time he did it. Incidentally, it is interesting that for the first extreme achievement, Steve has committed, not invested in it, no dollar. In the future it will also be very practical given his passion for extreme entertainment.

Trade statistics

I somehow took an Excel file from the portal stock, into which it was possible to insert transactions from IT Invest reports and calculate various statistics,…

I'm on the NYSE again

I go to NYSE again since Monday, I will trade now on little things, but in tight limits, I will join the market, day trading on NYSE again? – AHA
Loss limit per month: 200$ gross.
Loss limit per day: 30$ gross.
Homework: more precisely, the selection of stocks for the next trading day I will try to write again in the blog as well as […]

Some disorders

Plowed like a horse all last week but this real sector. I didn't even look at the charts this week..

On the one hand it seems good, that I'm resting. On the other hand, the thought of sitting down to trade seems, that I haven't done it for so long, what nah forgotten how…

I looked at the chart today.

Upset of course. Pretty, smoothly and almost no rollbacks, as expected. And without me.

Надо что-то менять.

Give money under management for a medium term. Normally, once a week it turns out to look at the markets. (:

PS. By the way, I burn out from great stress. All Saturday like an amoeba, ничего не хочется, I don't know what to start ):

about gophers and medicine

from the life of gophers (with)

as the Belarusian proverb says – gopher, ***, злой. apparently, I am this very gopher.
wonderful connection between the two events.

event no. 1. Obama's economic incentives. Reaction: йопт, the multiplier is always lower 1, that's bullshit, what incentives, government spending is insanity. (going a little further – а вы знаете, that externalities are a myth invented by all sorts of pseudo-economists who are corrupt to the state).

event no. 2. Cutting government spending from Obama. (the same people as in situation # 1). Reaction: йопт, who does that, during the crisis and reduce government spending, yes he wants to ruin us. for what, for education (in situation # 1, government spending on education – the main reason for the rise in the cost of education)? Yes, are you crazy, how is this possible!!!!

Only I find a contradiction in this?)
At all, adult person "in position", this is the same child, who always finds any excuse for his own laziness. Ie. it doesn't matter, what in essence, the main thing is that (in this case) Obama is to blame. Certainly, war – this is an even more effective way of checking personalities, but even such a banal combination of circumstances makes it easy to identify weak, sick and inadequate.


medicine vs trading

there was not much support in the LJ community for my analogy between medicine and economics, however, no one has ever refuted the basic binding postulates: nothing is really clear (while,  that everything is clear on paper), aggregates work well, each case is individual, when making decisions, you have to rely on intuition. (somehow).

but I'm talking about something else. there were several trades in the relatively distant past, the degree of importance of the consequences of which at that time was difficult to overestimate. at the same time it was not so scary, but it was. moreover, the body could hardly cope with the stress.

а вот в ситуации, when you quickly have to take responsibility for a medical decision in relation to a loved one (far from a matter of life and death, but for the patient a second of your inaction seems like an eternity) – really scary (input information minimum, your knowledge is not enough, but the decision needs to be made)). but at the moment the brain turns on some unprecedented mode of operation, puts everything on the shelves and gives the correct version.

practical conclusions two. Firstly, don't train yourself, but increased brain speeds are only triggered in certain kinds of situations (from the practice of other people – strong professional psyche does not mean the absence of panic in medical issues). Secondly, in whatever industry the action takes place – principle universal: you will not take the risk – you won't get prafite.


and seriously, take care of yourself. do not fill your head with corporate ethics and corporate culture. you are needed exactly until that moment, while you do more work for less compensation. when you break, all delirium will surface much faster, what it seems now.


How do you like this market?How are your bablokomowers?))I started mine on Wednesday – still can't stop)))) 3 of the day – real shots by equit

I have nowhere to rush

Pondered: where am I in a hurry?
Зачем я, with his modest experience in stock trading – I want to take all the money from the market?
I will be slower, smarter and less impulsive, money will love me by itself. I believe in it. Who is against – throw a stone at me.
Bye the only problem: too big a commission. When trading an incomplete lot, you have to pay a lot more to the broker. For instance […]

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