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auto: delisting continues))

Following with the exception of Volkswagen из Dow Jones EURO STOXX 50 Index,
now already Volvo exclude из DJ STOXX NORDIC Select Dividend 20 Index.

not just a Volvo, namely class B shares.
don't ask, I have no idea why they have both A and B.

Really, exclusion from the dividend index, it's not that at all, that the exclusion from the main regional. all in all, a reason to buy some Volvo))

red – VW, blue – Volvo.

on the consequences of sovereign default

I have been thinking for a long time and cannot understand what is the problem with the default on government bonds.

default causes capital flight – currency panic – девальвацию – shock in imported industries (problems with the banking system, if there are a large number of liabilities denominated in foreign currency).

and now the question.
Well, what kind of currency panic will a stupid refusal of payments on sovereign Greek obligations cause??

OK, Greece, this is not the Zhytomyr region, let's equate the default of Greece with the default of Kiev.
Yes, it will be unpleasant, но не боле.

moral hazard of defaults along the chain?
No. for the country is not an enemy to itself, unlike Greece. и о каком % the debt market denominated in euros we say?

inference. the actions of the manager differ catastrophically depending on the nature of the forces with which the struggle is going. in our case – these are forces of a psychological nature. рыночный сентимент.

style problems: 
– but should we get out of the euro zone from these damned capitalists (unknown greek 40-year-old student)?
in this case are not considered.

or am I wrong and a default on Greek bonds will cause an escape from German bonds on a larger scale than just widening the spread in relation to Trejaris?

Statistical probability.

Blog readers know my attitude towards Taleb and the idea that is being promoted everywhere now. “Black Swan”. In my opinion, the author is in a kind of trap of consciousness, trying to fit the whole world order to the probabilities. Making millions on falling financial markets, he acquired the status of a prophet. It is appropriate to recall our Demur, once guessed, but all subsequent predictions were “past the checkout”. Apparently that's why, both Taleb and Demura are so fond of options. Is it possible to foresee the movement of the markets, with a probability of more 50%? I'm sure, what "yes. Can at least one monkey in a million (ten, one hundred million),if you give them on a typewriter, to write “War and peace”? I'm sure, what is not. In conclusion, I want to cite a survey. Known, that many people, during their life have repeatedly got into situations, associated with deadly risk, and at the last moment, something pushed danger aside, everything happens in slow motion… Aircraft, disastrous, usually filled on 8% fewer who reached the destination. Lots of examples, and they don't fit into a simple coin toss 50 on 50, heads or tails. Have there been any occasions in your life, deadly (say, chance to die or be seriously injured ~ 50%)? Risk of accident, plane crash, fighting, going under the ice, falling from height, stroke during, etc., and so on.

Cyber ​​Friends, nid help!

Help who can do what. You need any information on the topic of working with an investor. I mean trading with investor funds.

Who has what experience? On what terms? What to pay attention to? What are the most important points? Throw the fish of the contract. Links to thoughts on the topic on the internet will also not be superfluous.

If not comme il faut to spread publicly, throw off on soap: [email protected] Or via skype: ax.tm3912

Economic dissertation from SaxoBank

05 February 2010

Saxo Bank in its financial outlook report for 2010 year predicts, that the main trend of the world economy this year will be a gradual recovery, which will be expressed in improving the state of financial markets, increase in GDP and consumer confidence. However, such recovery will not be ubiquitous.. Besides, the bank does not deny the possibility of a second wave of the crisis due to the situation in China.

Saxo Bank Economic Outlook for 2010 year — PDF, 1 MB


Well done Americans! Closed down like this, as i wanted. Shook out the last alarmists, briskly closed the shorts, worked out technical goals, and even the price was fixed at the high of the day. On the days “hummer” at the bottom, бычьего, green color. Gentlemen, Fasten seat belts, our rocket is preparing for departure ;)


:)))))) I said just think about ostcock, rather than buying before the close, although from a beautiful level, which I talked about in the previous post, start to buy out the market.

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