
MegaBlog- – this is an amalgamation of posts from popular trading blogs . This section will allow you to track interesting topics and track popular trends in trading., understand what traders live.

MoneyStream by the Warden brothers.

The Worden Brothers, patented MoneyStream indicator, claim that their indicator is better and more predictive than OBV. Who doesn't know, these are indicators, which link price and volume. Is considered, what can be determined where the money is flowing — in accumulation or distribution, especially when there is a divergence between the indicator and the price, i.e, for example, the price seems to be falling, but money is all the same, according to indicator, flow, mostly, in purchases and this means that the price will inevitably turn up. Honestly, I have never used indicators, linking volume and price, but Brother Worden interprets this so convincingly that I decided to take a closer look at the anatomy of this phenomenon.

Here are examples, when there was a divergence between the price regression and the regression of the MoneyStream indicator, the secret of which the Vorden brothers keep vigilant. The red line is the price regression, and blue — regression MoneyStream. MoneyStream itself on the chart is also blue on the price chart:

Let's see what happens next.

No one expected…

Think, that few people expected the inability of the Russian market to rebound. In principle, everyone knows, that Russia was ahead of the United States in increment in indices , therefore, it can also outstrip when moving down.
Sber comes very close to the upper limit of the GUI implementation. which was our guess. Think, that many will agree with me, that anticipating the right shoulder gives excellent results. Someone will object, that I belatedly or in time warned about the right shoulders on the RTS and MMMV and collection, respectively ? :))

auto sales in the USA

Слева – change january to january, справа – share at the end of January 2010.

забавно, that dear Europeans rule..

Слева – dynamics in pieces, справа – the proportion of components in the `` big six '' itself.

audio reading

Consciousness manipulation
Year: 2005
author: Sergey Kara-Murza
Executor: Sergey Mikhailovsky
Genre: Philosophy / Sociology
Publisher: MediaKniga
A type: audiobook
Audio codec: MP3
Audio bitrate: 24kbps; 16kHz
Description: This book is not a guide to the practice of mind manipulation., and not a guide to protecting against manipulation – self-defense without weapons. She is wearing rather non-technological, but the methodological nature. The main purpose of the book, give material, so that everyone can, reflect on that choice, which our country and our culture now face. This is not the president's choice, партии, or even the political system. It's about choosing a living arrangement, type of civilization. The present time is often called a transition period., there is a lot of meaning in these words, transition between what and what?
Today we are stuck in a space between two different types of living arrangements., and we are strenuously pulled and pushed to that very shore, where the main and almost total means of domination will be – MANIPULATION OF CONSCIOUSNESS! This is, of course, just one of the many elements that define a lifestyle., but the element is extremely important and reveals a lot in the essence of the entire system of life. Having received at least preliminary knowledge about this element, We will better understand the whole…

started listening… terribly interesting from the first pages! and it is also projected directly onto trading..
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Defining a trend

Identifying the trend and trading with the trend are key success factors in trading. This article will help you better identify the trend., understand its essence and possibilities of use.
Like a trader, you, probably, heard the old wisdom, what is better to trade in the direction of the trend. As they say: “trend – your friend“. This – wise advice, if you realize, that the trend might end. AND […]


There are a lot of broken cars in the city. Scratches, dents, broken bumpers. Mostly, our and budget foreign cars. May be, after the accident, my attention is fixed on this? But talked to acquaintances – many noticed. Is it seasonal, or people don't have money, save on insurance and repairs.

At ATMs, people mostly stand, to pay off the loan, and not take the proceeds.

discovered, that many have several hundred friends. I, честно, even 50 I don't have time to read in my friend feed, I skim a lot, forgive generously, not enough time.

You need to constantly urge yourself, carrot and stick, or roll down to a vegetable state. Yesterday-today I noticed… By the way, and psychologists say, that forward movement can be stimulated either by hanging in front of the nose “carrot”, or whipping.
I read a comparison with an amoeba from one author: hungry – moving, well-fed – is at rest. So are we.

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