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MegaBlog- – this is an amalgamation of posts from popular trading blogs . This section will allow you to track interesting topics and track popular trends in trading., understand what traders live.
Here is an example of a well-known system for SP500 futures., which is impeccable, brought profit almost without drawdown 10 years, from about 1985 to 1995 of the year. Then something changed in the market and the end of the system, and very unexpected and cruel for those, who believed that this was just a temporary drawdown.
I heard that any trend system also earns on the RTS futures. Think, you should be careful and watch the market closely so as not to miss a moment, when there are no housewives left who do not trade futures on the RTS according to the trend system on hourly timeframes :)
Found in TOS a trader's recommendation to buy PFSW shares. Really, выглядит привлекательно. Correction up to 61% fibo, and also the 3rd wave is clearly visible, за которой, probably, 5th will follow, as a result of which the stock will rise, least, in 2 Times. Maximum Loss, which can be obtained in this case, is determined by the sum, which you put on this action. The maximum profit can be endless — that is, while it will grow, and it can grow for a year, and two, and ten, and a hundred years. :)
З.Ы. So that they don't think that I have any interest in this action, сообщаю, that I'm not going to buy it. Just illustrative material. :)
I will not restore the lost post. Not today. Other thoughts appeared. I will reflect.
spartafxв который разexpressed a thought, from which I am not myself. The bottom line is, what if i'm in “routine work” Jonah, then nichrome will not come out on the markets.
In short, I started working after completing summer internship in my second year of university. By the end of the training “дослужился” to the head. Then he lost his point of growth and left to do something else. It didn't work out very well, but at this time I began to come across all sorts of Kiyosakovsky, etc.. books. I started thinking in a slightly different direction. I have tried everything and everything and have not achieved any satisfactory results anywhere. And in the end, quite by accident, I ended up on the market. And I realized that it was mine. (In the markets, I really tried everything too).
There is a nuance in my character. I am very impulsive, hot-tempered, I am overwhelmed by the stupidity and elementary unwillingness of people to think. I do not accept politics and sent the fuck in plain text several times in a row to an overly smart boss. Briefly speaking, it's very difficult to get along with me. I'm an arrogant and nasty guy, in most cases, communicating with me is not a very pleasant process.
And the market seems to be the only place where there is no need for communication with the human factor.. There is only me. Another billion people like me are not available to me. I see only the result of their actions and I can only react to them.. Every time after the brainwave in the real sector I go and think, how to work well in the markets. Sit alone in front of a monitor and enjoy jazz.
I used to be really bad. I was driven by hate. That is, I did something good because, that there was a lot of shit around and it pissed me off, i hated it. (: Now I'm limiting my negative vibes. Somehow more with good intentions, but I always get one x in the head ):
So here. If you take into account the amount of shit and take it as an axiom that the markets will only get worse… I'm fucked. I almost gave up several times already, but understood, that there are no alternatives. And now I seem to have even groped for something. It seems to have stopped draining. You just need a breakthrough to a new level, к профиту… but if they experience?
All the same, how deeply and truly Krylov's fables reflect the essence of many people. LJ presents a wide range of such characters. I especially like this fable, since one of the real ZhZhnikov does not let me forget about Krylov and myself :)))))
The elephant was driven through the streets,
As seen for show -
Known, that Elephants are a wonder with us -
So crowds of onlookers followed the Elephant.[1]
Breakaway, to meet Pug them.
Seeing the Elephant, well rush at him,
And bark, and squeal, and break, Ну, and gets into a fight with him.
"Neighbor, stop being ashamed ",
10Her mongrel says: "You eh to mess with the Elephant?
Look, you're wheezing, and he goes to himself Вперед
And he doesn't notice your bark at all. " [2]
“Eh, eh!"Pug answers her:
“This is what gives me the spirit, Что я, no fight at all,
I can get into big bullies.
Let the dogs speak:
“The moon, Моська! know she's strong,
20What Barks at the Elephant!»[14:17:23] RTS (14:13:26 10/02/2010)reality show on intraday trading Vano (14:13:48 10/02/2010)and how it will happen? ) RTS (14:15:17 10/0…
Level, which the price cannot break up, называется уровень сопротивления (Resistance), and the level, который цена не может пробить вниз, называется уровень поддержки (Support).
Resistance level (resistance level)
This is nothing more than a psychological level, which a significant number of traders regard as a point, profitable in terms of sale. Such a unity of opinion among a large group of people leads to the fact, that when prices approach […]
The bad thing is, that you start to understand some things, when you are already in your fourth decade. Good – finally something started to reach your head, though… and it may turn out to be just another self-deception.
so, дождались, seemingly bullish activity in the euro… Is it so – Time will tell, but for now – models:
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