margins indicate a bull market

city ​​painted schedule with margins of non-financial companies, comparing them for some reason with Wilshire 5000 Index (with what to compare the difference, in principle, of course not, but why exactly?)).

The conclusion is as follows – early to predict a bear market, and the growth of margins, if you cleanse the financial sector (this is my guess) has the potential. Everything is beautiful, everything is correct, offset.

And some reasoning about unemployment. Generally, for disillusionment in numbers remained little noticed then, what you should have looked at – a sluggish labor market is reviving at a relatively fast pace. PMI shows no deterioration, the private sector still generates something, etc..

But there is a claim to the schedule. The feature of the latest recession is not the number of cuts, and in the low number of job creation. (About this same earlier). Number of layoffs, like the unemployment rate – not indicative without attention to detail. For example, last month, US unemployment rose – and it was very good, now decreased – and this is very bad.

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