March – graal indicator.

Martyn on hae boasted, what is this the most successful deal this year..
Well,, once a year and the stick shoots..
Одураченный случайностью даже начал смотреть недельные charts)) And sit out.. Such a comedy))
There is information, that he not only keeps that long, but also increases))

The saddest thing is, that his long will close, like most of his deals this year…

I do not advise anyone to open any positional longs for oil., sipi, and a Jew. Otherwise, it will be with you too, as with Mimothy..

The most fun will be, if he closes the pose right after reading this post)) This is what I will cut)


AHAHahaHahaha))) Timo rubbed this post on smartlab and banned me))

So I wrote the truth… as it is)

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