Routes (Route)

Withdrawing deals in ECN, trader or earns extra (charged - Rebate), or the fee for the execution of the transaction is debited from him .
Rebate is charged for creating additional liquidity, when a trader places his bids and offers (отложенные Limit ордера) в ECN, стоимость зависит от конкретного ECN.
When executing a market order in ECN (Market ордер, Stop ордер или Marketable Limit ордер) Fee is charged for reduced liquidity in ECN.

Routes (Route)
The order must follow the route (Route), before it enters ECN or the exchange. There are several such routes, but they differ in speed and cost.
To display an order on the exchange NYSE most profitable (by cost and speed) are the routes EDGX and ARCA PO +. Limit orders, routed via EDGX and ARCA PO +, are listed on the NYSE for free. Marketable Limit ордера, sent via EDGX and ARCA PO +, executed on NYSE if there is an NYSE quote in the inside market, the cost of execution at the same time $0,0008 per share. Otherwise, orders are displayed in ECN, while the execution cost $0,0029 per share

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