Insanity grows stronger

At first I thought, that I will not give a link to mad professor(not my definition) , but then I thought “why deny the opportunity to acquaint readers with the mind game of the professor”. At all, интересная личность, воинствующий атеист, ruthlessly banning dissidents.
He is an honored scientist, if I am not mistaken and I can judge, but when he speaks, sometimes you think about lunacy.

FROM the last pearls, allegedly confesses , that I was wrong with my predictions, although far from a meteorologist.

“Maybe, in New York, the wind direction did not coincide with the shape of the bays. But, first of all, to me, seems, here it is necessary brainwash and figure out, for example, why, for example, might need 2-3- day break on the stock exchange? “
I answer to the professor.
Any schoolboy in New York will say, that the exchange was closed for a simple reason. Many, who works in Downtown Manhattan, uses subway, which is flooded, parking is also flooded. Many on Wall Street drive through the Holland tunnel and the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel., which were also flooded.

It's so simple, but somehow it does not fit into the conspiracy picture and now you need brainwash and figure out how to wrap up the close of the exchange, to make reality fit into imagination.

Conspiracy Parking , as always open and free

  Met at 666.
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