
May-view on 1-8 november

Well, in general, my forecast has not changed… I expect that mamba by the end of the year will strive for 1370 .. and this 10% downside on the market)) The only question is the entry point..

I haven't had it yet.. but especially impatient bears already 2 count once otkukanili) Well, more precisely “второй раз” now in process))

21-wow, I wanted to slow down, but an hour after opening тупо еще раз глянул на schedule and understood, that there was no entry point at all and there is no. Therefore, I immediately canceled everything and deleted the post from especially impressionable)…

I am not nostradamus and cannot predict exactly when the reversal will take place… I'm just waiting for the reversal to form.. and I can only guess when and how it will happen.
There are several options at the moment..

I will voice one of them..

So.. how i always think: the market always goes there, where will he find the most money. The hunt for liquidity.

What do I see on this graph?

I see at least 2 possible surge in liquidity:

  • First – this is a breakout of daily resistance, а так же недельных\месячных – they are all on the same level right now.. All lamers at these levels have feet.
    Therefore, before, how to really go down – it would be too stupid not to grab the babyshko before that.
  • Second – this is the specifics of the week. Last trading day – environment. Rest weekend. 4 of the day. 2 of the day America is trading without us. The West is growing without retracements.. And that means, what's under Wednesday closing, updating hai looking at growing Americans or in anticipation of their growth on Thursday and Friday – all the bears will just crap and cover their shorts… for the risk becomes uncontrollable.. Out of fear, everyone extrapolates the current trend and fears an upward gap. :)) This is where the dolls will take all the liquidity.. and then…

And then, in fact, at the close of the week on amers will be fixed – and we'll open on monday fucking gape down))

Why is this scenario very likely??
Because he really рыночный.

  • Nobody except “кукла” will not take profit from this gap, because open shorts against the market, on upgrading highs and on “LARGE OVERWEEK” only thugs can, who will still give their money to the market later)
  • After a big gap, everyone will be afraid to short, because “too oversold”…
  • And if they will, then a little pose, because “and stop where?” 4000P?? 
  • And even if someone shortcuts after the heap – he still will not keep it for a long time and even more so pyramid according to the trend, because. “he entered very badly”, and that means do not hesitate to sit out.. gotta take something, “what did you manage”))) 
  • And the shorts must be kept long enough…

I repeat again: I am not saying that it will be so))) I don't know how it will be.. several options, I just wrote one of them.. Because I must be ready for them and know in advance, what to do if i see something, what did I expect.

Yes, and then.. maybe someone from you it is interesting to read the train of my thoughts.. Therefore, if it is different – no need to write that I was wrong)) Я ошибусь, only when I take an elk after my entrance) And I will voice it separately… may be))

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