Investment – This is one of the ways to multiply your finances and achieve financial independence. There are many legendary and successful investors in the world, who, with their actions and decisions, have left a huge mark on the world of finance. In this article, we will look at a few of these legendary and richest investors in the world, and also learn their secrets of success.
FULL NAME, % of the total number of years ,when market gurus overtook the market, and total number of years (Five-Year Rolling Basis)
Guru Name | Percentage | Number of Data |
Warren Buffett | 100.00% | 29 |
Daniel loeb | 100.00% | 14 |
Westport Asset Management | 100.00% | 11 |
Diamond Hill Capital | 100.00% | 8 |
CI Can-Am Small Cap Fund | 100.00% | 11 |
Edward Owens | 95.83% | 24 |
Meridian Funds | 92.86% | 14 |
David Tepper | 92.86% | 14 |
Tom Gayner | 91.67% | 12 |
Bruce Berkowitz | 88.89% | 9 |
Jeff Auxier | 88.89% | 9 |
Fairholme Fund | 88.89% | 9 |
Prem Watsa | 86.36% | 22 |
Ruane Cunniff | 86.21% | 29 |
Chuck Acre | 84.21% | 19 |
NWQ Managers | 83.33% | 12 |
Russian Tom | 83.33% | 24 |
PRIMECAP Management | 83.33% | 24 |
Ken Heebner | 81.82% | 11 |
Manning & Napier Advisors Inc. | 80.00% | 10 |
Signature Select Canadian Fund | 80.00% | 10 |
Ian Cumming | 78.57% | 28 |
John Paulson | 78.57% | 14 |
Robert Rodriguez | 76.00% | 25 |
Ken Fisher | 75.00% | 12 |
Frank Sands | 75.00% | 8 |
David Rolfe | 75.00% | 16 |
Mawer New Canada Fund | 75.00% | 20 |
Steven Romick | 73.33% | 15 |
Mario Gabelli | 72.73% | 22 |
Leith Wheeler Canadian Equity | 71.43% | 14 |
Ron Baron | 70.59% | 17 |
Chuck Royce | 70.59% | 17 |
Murray steel | 69.23% | 13 |
James Barrow | 66.67% | 12 |
Jean-Marie Eveillard | 65.52% | 29 |
Bill Frels | 65.52% | 29 |
Bill Nygren | 64.71% | 17 |
Richard Snow | 64.71% | 17 |
Chris Davis | 64.71% | 17 |
Mawer Canadian Equity Fund | 64.71% | 17 |
Tweedy Browne | 64.29% | 14 |
Wallace Weitz | 64.00% | 25 |
Donald Yacktman | 62.50% | 16 |
RS Investment Management | 61.54% | 13 |
Brian Rogers | 60.87% | 23 |
Ronald Muhlenkamp | 60.00% | 20 |
John Keeley | 60.00% | 15 |
Arnold Schneider | 60.00% | 10 |
Mark Hillman | 60.00% | 10 |
Francis Chou | 59.09% | 22 |
Dodge & Cox | 58.62% | 29 |
Mason Hawkins | 57.14% | 21 |
John Hussman | 55.56% | 9 |
Robert Olstein | 53.85% | 13 |
John Buckingham | 50.00% | 10 |
Robert Bruce | 48.00% | 25 |
John Rogers | 45.45% | 22 |
Martin Whitman | 44.44% | 18 |
Third Avenue Management | 44.44% | 18 |
Jeremy Grantham | 44.44% | 9 |
Arnold Vanden Berg | 41.38% | 29 |
Charles Brandes | 37.50% | 16 |
Chou RRSP Fund | 36.36% | 22 |
HOTCHKIS & WILEY | 33.33% | 21 |
By income 2007-2012
Guru Name | Return | Fund Type |
Prem Watsa | 19.73% | i |
David Rolfe | 9.21% | m |
Daniel loeb | 8.84% | h |
Donald Yacktman | 8.61% | m |
Warren Buffett | 8.43% | i |
Frank Sands | 8.28% | m |
Mawer New Canada Fund | 7.98% | f |
Zeke Ashton | 7.90% | h |
Chuck Royce | 7.05% | m |
Ian Cumming | 6.99% | i |
Jean-Marie Eveillard | 6.85% | m |
Westport Asset Management | 6.49% | m |
Ruane Cunniff | 6.12% | m |
Edward Owens | 5.80% | f |
David Einhorn | 5.76% | h |
Steven Romick | 5.61% | f |
Robert Rodriguez | 5.43% | f |
Mawer Canadian Equity Fund | 4.81% | f |
Bill Frels | 4.80% | m |
Robert Bruce | 4.58% | m |
Mario Gabelli | 4.51% | m |
Bill Nygren | 4.46% | f |
PRIMECAP Management | 4.40% | m |
David Winters | 4.25% | m |
CI Can-Am Small Cap Fund | 4.23% | f |
John Paulson | 4.11% | h |
Bruce Berkowitz | 3.99% | m |
Fairholme Fund | 3.99% | f |
Jeff Auxier | 3.90% | m |
Russian Tom | 3.77% | h |
James Barrow | 3.33% | m |
Tweedy Browne | 3.33% | m |
Meridian Funds | 3.17% | m |
RS Investment Management | 3.05% | m |
Diamond Hill Capital | 2.91% | m |
Leith Wheeler Canadian Equity | 2.75% | f |
Wallace Weitz | 2.51% | m |
S&P 500 | 2.21% | |
John Keeley | 2.03% | m |
Chuck Acre | 2.02% | m |
Manning & Napier Advisors, Inc | 1.89% | h |
Brian Rogers | 1.87% | f |
John Rogers | 1.86% | m |
Ron Baron | 1.58% | m |
Jeremy Grantham | 1.30% | m |
NWQ Managers | 1.23% | m |
Signature Select Canadian Fund | 1.05% | f |
John Buckingham | 0.84% | m |
Tom Gayner | 0.71% | i |
Chou RRSP Fund | 0.69% | f |
Francis Chou | 0.58% | m |
Arnold Vanden Berg | 0.29% | f |
Ken Heebner | 0.23% | m |
Mason Hawkins | 0.14% | m |
Dodge & Cox | -0.17% | m |
Ken Fisher | -0.31% | m |
Richard Snow | -0.54% | m |
Mark Hillman | -0.72% | m |
Martin Whitman | -0.73% | f |
Third Avenue Management | -0.77% | m |
Robert Olstein | -0.80% | m |
Arnold Schneider | -1.22% | m |
Murray steel | -1.45% | m |
Chris Davis | -1.76% | m |
HOTCHKIS & WILEY | -2.29% | m |
John Hussman | -2.64% | m |
Ronald Muhlenkamp | -3.54% | m |
Charles Brandes | -5.92% | m |
We have selected 20 cult investors of the past and present – these are the best investors of all time! By examining their profiles, you will learn about their life credo, principles of investing and secrets of unprecedented success. Carefully, there is a danger of getting rich!
Carl Icahn
Age: 78
Founder of Icahn Enterprises
Credo: Complain Loud
Was the inspiration for the words of Gordon Gekko from Wall Street: “If you need a friend, get a dog "
Principles: Icahn was successful, being a ruthless "invader" in the 80s, - he took control of underperforming companies and made money on them. Later reincarnated as an investor activist, but, eventually, people do not change. His corporate identity currently is to obtain a minority stake in a public company, demand a seat on the board of directors and aggressively promote the interests of shareholders. Management is often not happy, but stocks usually jump in price.
Invest like Icahn: If you want to have Karl on your side (which is most likely), you can buy shares in his holding Icahn Enterprises, traded on the stock exchange. Company overtakes S&P 500 c 2000 of the year (22% against 4%). Most Valuable Investments - Apple and natural gas producer Chesapeake Energy (By the way, its director Aubrey McClendon Icahn helped to oust from the company).
Sir John Templeton
Templeton Funds Founder
Credo: "Buy, when pessimism reaches its maximum, sell at maximum optimism "
Quote about money: “If you buy the same securities, Like everyone else, you will get the same result, that's all "
Principles: Templeton's Famous Investing Style - Taking Action Against the Trend. He firmly believed in that, that the only way to make a real profit is to buy, when everyone else is selling. At the beginning of World War II, Templeton bought shares of each company for less than a dollar., listed on the New York Stock Exchange, and then made a profit on almost every. He was one of the first to understand the benefits of entering non-American markets.; international investment has become his signature style. And it worked: $10 thousand, invested in the flagship fund in 1954 year, have grown to $2 million by the time Templeton retired in 1992 year.
Invest like Templeton: Templeton Growth Fund Still Uses Sir John's Strategies, return on investment over the past five years, on average, was 18,3%.
Warren Buffett
Age: 83
Chairman and CEO at Berkshire Hathaway
Credo: “Invest only in something, What do you understand, and at the right price "
Nickname: Oracle from Omaha
Best-seller: Berkshire’s annual letter to shareholders (Berkshire's Annual Letter to Shareholders)
Quote about money: “Whether it's socks or promotions, I prefer to buy a quality product at a low price "
Principles: Buffett's mentor Ben Graham taught, what is not acquired by shares - business is acquired. Sometimes "Mr. Market" wants to sell them cheaper than the real value - then you have to buy. Buffett has been following this investment philosophy since the 50s., and this is the basis of his state in $65 billion. Among the most successful investments - American Express, Disney, Washington Post, Capital Cities/ABC, Coca-Cola и Geico.
Invest like Buffett: Why not just buy Berkshire Hathaway stock and give Warren the right to invest for you? Category B shares for $126 much more affordable than category "A" shares - their price $190 thousand.
Nathan Mayer Rothschild
Founder N.M. Rothschild & Sons
Credo: "Information is money"
Fulfilled predictions: Through his extensive network of carrier pigeons, Rothschild learned, that England defeated France at Waterloo, before anyone else in London. While other traders were betting on the defeat of England, he did the opposite.
Principles: Rothschild's father laid the foundation for the largest banking empire in the 19th century, settling each of the five sons in different European cities. Nathan got London, but during his life, valuable information from his brothers from Frankfurt was a big plus for him, Paris, Naples and Vienna
Invest like Rothschild: Use different groups. of people, each "with a finger on the pulse". Consider investing in high-yield private investment funds, for example the Blackstone Group, Apollo Global Management, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts и Carlyle Group.
Sam Zell
Age: 72
Председатель Equity Group Investments
Credo: "Losers Can Make Profits Too"
Nickname: Dancing on the bones
Quote about money: "Look for good companies with bad balance sheets and identify your risks."
Principles: Zell is looking for a company, which are in the "black stripe" and which can be bought cheap, and he is not afraid of debt. His approach is exactly the opposite of Buffett's.: find companies with weak management and balance sheets - and be in good profit, if we can improve everything. In the late 60s, Zell was the founder of the real estate investment fund system. (REIT), which allowed ordinary investors to buy shares in apartment buildings. Thus, Zell transferred Wall Street liquidity to the real estate market.. One of his rare mistakes is buying in 2007 year of the Tribune Co., injured in bankruptcy.
Invest like Zell: Shares of many of his largest holdings, e.g. Starwood Hotels, Anixter International и Equity Residential, traded on the stock exchange.
Josef Schumpeter
Economist and political scientist
Credo: "Destruction is a mechanism of progress"
Best-seller: "Capitalism, socialism and democracy " (1942)
Quote about money: "Depression is like a good cold shower for capitalism"
Principles: Schumpeter's largest discovery, called "creative destruction", therein, that innovation in the economy is driven by entrepreneurs, looking for all the best ways to work (this is the "creative" part), and their success crowds out old companies and methods (this is "destruction"). Cars replaced carriages, computers superseded typewriters, and the internet crushed the print media. The main thing is to be on the right side of history..
Invest like Schumpeter: Small market cap growth equity funds are a great place to apply the Schumpeterian discovery. For example, Lord Abbett Developing Growth Fund и Wasatch World Innovators Fund, which in 2013 year showed growth in 57 And 34% respectively.
Peter Lynch
Age: 70
Head of the investment fund Fidelity Magellan Fund (1977–1990)
Credo: "Buy that, what do you know "
Best-seller: "Strategy and tactics of an individual investor" (1989)
Quote about money: “Anyone has enough brains, to follow the stock market. If you know mathematics at the fifth grade level, you can handle "
Principles: In the 1980s, Lynch turned the Fidelity Magellan Fund into one of the world's largest mutual funds., bringing the full average annual return to 29%. His secret: buy stocks with historically low P / E ratios, avoiding too fast growing players and not paying attention to market predictions. His common sense ideas worked great and led to a whole generation of analysts., who have applied a similar investment experience. However, in 1990 year, a magnificent 13-year streak of victories in the market ended with a loss of 4,5%, and the investor retired.
Invest like Lynch: Don't buy Twitter or Amazon, better use the recommendations of AAII.com and Validea.com: NetApp, Barrett Business Services, Honda и Alliance Fiber Optic.
Alexander Hamilton
First U.S. Treasury Secretary
Credo: "Strong Power Leads to Financial Stability"
Nickname: Little Lion
"Star" internship: During the revolution he worked as a secretary for George Washington
Best-seller: banknote c $10 (with his portrait)
Quote about money: “Nation, who may prefer dishonor to danger, ready and deserves to be under the oppression of an oppressive leader "
Principles: During the period, when America was an emerging market, Hamilton has tirelessly advocated for responsible federal finance. He knew, that a strong central authority is a prerequisite for sustainable economic growth. Lesson: do not buy securities in developing countries with unreliable rulers.
Invest like Hamilton: You can always be a purist and buy US government bonds, but if you want to invest abroad, first of all, find out everything thoroughly.
David Tepper
Age: 56
Founder of Appaloosa Management
Credo: "The end is not near, people and markets adapt to the worst "
Who influenced him: Robert Rubin
Fulfilled predictions: During the panic of early 2009, he staked on Bank of America, Citigroup и AIG.
Quotes about money: “I am an animal at the head of the herd ... or I will be eaten, or I will get the juiciest grass "
Principles: Left Goldman Sachs for 1992 year and founded his own hedge fund. Investing in troubled bonds, has achieved success thanks to the ability to invest soberly in the face of fear and misinformation. Tepper paid attention to the US Treasury Department's announcements of aid to large financial companies and in the five years after the Lehman collapse was able to bring the return on investment to almost 40%.
Invest like Tepper: Keep track of central banks and fiscal policies. You can buy shares Google and Citigroup - Tepper has them.
Getty Green
Credo: “Look for opportunities, focus on profit and count every penny "
Nickname: Wall Street Witch
Quote about money: " Everything, What you should do, buy cheap and sell high, act economically and perspicaciously and be persistent "
Principles: Aged 30 years Green inherited $5 million, by the time of her death in 1916 year these $5 million turned into $100 million, and she was the richest woman in the country. How did she do it? Firstly, Getty was incredibly mean, refusing to waste hot water, wash clothes and provide your son with proper medical care. Secondly, she had a real flair for deals, she mainly made money from bad debts and depreciated government bonds. I bought stocks only in times of financial panic.
Invest like Green: She managed to earn 6% annually, doubling the fortune every 12 years. Earn 6% today is not easy. One of the possibilities is BlackRock's Utility & Infrastructure Trust with 7% return, другая – Energy Transfer Partners, limited partnership, Bring 6,6%.
John Bogle
Age: 85
Founder of Vanguard
Credo: "It's all commissions"
Nickname: Jack, Saint Jack (so it was called by both supporters and opponents)
Quotes about money: "Do not give a miracle, which gives long-term capitalization of income, turn it into horror for long-term capitalization of losses "
Principles: When in 1976 year Bogle opened the first Vanguard Index Fund 500, many were skeptical about this idea. But John, which in 1996 year underwent a heart transplant operation, saw with my own eyes the wide recognition and success of his bold idea - since you cannot beat the market, all, what matters, these are low costs. The Vanguard Group is now the world's largest family of mutual funds, it manages $2,6 trillion.
Invest like a Bogle: Depending on your age and willingness to take risks, you can divide funds between stocks from the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index and bonds from the Vanguard Total Bond Market Index.. Automate your investments and stop keeping stocks in your head all the time. You probably have better things to do.
Roger Babson
Основатель Babson Statistical Organization
Credo: "Diversification, caution and no investment in debt "
Who influenced him: Sir Isaac Newton
Fulfilled prediction: In September 1929 years warned investors about the impending crisis
Quote about money: “More people should learn to identify, where to invest, instead of asking, where have they gone "
Principles: The future founder of Babson College received an engineering degree from MIT and independently learned statistical analysis, while he was being treated for tuberculosis. He bought a typewriter, developed a market index, based on Newton's Law of Action and Reaction (high prices should be followed by low prices and vice versa) and attracted 30 thousand. subscribers to your newspaper.
Invest like Babson: You can buy shares from PowerShares FTSE RAFI 1000 Index ETF или FTSE RAFI All World 3000. Both have a broad portfolio of low P / B stocks and high cash flow, Dividend-bearing.
John Maynard Keynes
Credo: "Invest, don't speculate "
Best-seller: "Economic consequences of the world" (1919)
Quote about money: “Investing is predicting profitability over the life of an asset; speculation is forecasting the psychology of the market "
Principles: Although Keynes is known as the founder of macroeconomic theory, he was also a great investor. In the 20s he was an ardent speculator, playing on exchange rates and commodities. Later switched to stocks, avoiding the herd instinct of irrational markets for companies with good long-term prospects. Despite the fact that he actually went bankrupt three times (in 1920, 1929-m and 1937), between 1922 and 1946, his profits reached an average of 16% in year.
Invest like Keynes: Buy stocks of companies with good management and solid dividends, for example from the Vanguard's Dividend Appreciation Index Fund list.
Alicia Munnell
Age: 71
Credo: "Automation of retirement savings"
Who influenced her: Robert Ball, Head of the Social Security Agency under three US presidents
Best-seller: "Managing Your Money in Retirement"
Quote about money: “It was supposed, what program 401 (k) - This is money, which you can spend on a trip to Paris. Instead, it has become our system. "
Principles: Munnell worked 20 years at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, was a member of the President's Council of Economic Advisers, now teaches at Boston College. One of the first to sound the alarm about, that Americans do not accumulate enough money for retirement. A longtime proponent of hoarding by auto-enrollment 401 (k), she recently expressed concerns, that overly strict retirees don't spend enough, to live for your pleasure.
Plan like Munnell: Manage your retirement savings - most investors have no idea, how much should they save or, vice versa, to spend. An online calculator at basic.esplanner.com can help you with this..
Jeremy Grantham
Age: 75
Co-founder Grantham Mayo van Otterloo
Credo: "Over time, asset values and profit margins reach long-term averages."
Fulfilled predictions: His quarterly message to shareholders warned of an inflation bubble in the Japanese stock market in the 1980s., the first dot-com bubble in the 90s and the real estate crisis in the 2000s.
Principles: Unless you're a genius like Warren Buffett or Peter Lynch, it is almost impossible to predict certain future winners. So Grentem is focusing on broader market sectors: great success in the 70s with small-cap stocks, in the 80s - on the international stock market. Lesson? Stop choosing individual stocks, look for valuable objects on a larger scale.
Invest like Grentem: Consider investing in farm land. Grentem has been talking about the global food crisis over the past few years and believes, what is the best investment - buying a farm. Alternatively, you can simply invest in food companies with stock exchange shares., for example Mosanto or Tyson Foods.
Thomas Rowe Price Jr.
Company: T. Rowe Price & Associates
Credo: "Buy fast-growing stocks with a long-term perspective"
Quote about money: "Most of the big fortunes are made by investing in growing businesses and keeping those investments no matter the situation."
Innovation: Price hated selling stocks with commissions., that's why, when he opened his own company in 1937 year, he charged commissions based on the size of assets under management - a radical change at the time, which has now become the industry standard.
Principles: Price was looking for stocks with yields and dividends, growing faster than inflation and the economy. Some stocks are better than others, he thought, despite the prevailing opinion, that the value of securities fluctuates in droves, together with the economic cycle.
Invest like Price: Open in 1950 году Growth Stock Fund и New Horizons, created in 1960, are the oldest funds T. Rowe Price, who still use the founder's growth strategy. For the last 10 years both overtook the S index&P 500.
George Soros
Age: 83
Company: Quantum Fund
Credo: “Never mind the obvious, bet on the unexpected "
Who influenced him: Karl Popper
Fulfilled predictions: He was actively selling the British pound right before its collapse after the withdrawal from the mechanism of regulating the exchange rates of European countries in 1992 year.
Principles: Hungarian hedge fund legend and global macroeconomic innovator has built a career in predicting currency crises. IN 2013 year, his bet against the Japanese yen made him the most profitable hedge fund manager, and the personal profit from this decision was $4 billion. The basis of bets is the theory of reflexivity developed by him., which presupposes, that investors are chasing high prices and blowing bubbles in the market.
Invest like Soros: His biggest latest bid is Israeli pharmaceutical giant Teva. He also plays for Herbalife promotion with Karl Icahn - and against Bill Ekman.
Friedrich Engels
Industrialist, political theorist
Credo: "Benefit from cheap labor"
Who influenced him: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Best-seller: "The Condition of the Working Class in England" (1844)
Quote about money: “The proletarians have nothing to lose, except for their chains "
Principles: Engels was born into a family of a successful textile manufacturer. Loved the good life: champagne, fox hunting, party nights - on his criticism of capitalism. IN 1848 year in collaboration with Karl Marx wrote "Communist Manifesto". Engels financially supported a friend - he had little money, - while he was writing his largest brainchild, "Capital".
Invest like Engels: Engels' theory is based on the belief, that capitalists make a profit, "Exploiting" workers. It's hard to argue with that. Investing in a business with low labor costs remains a good way to make money today.. Two options: McDonald`s, which gives 3%, and Wal-Mart with a dividend yield of 2,5%.
Jeffrey Gundlach
Age: 54
Founder of DoubleLine Capital
Credo: "Discipline is more important than emotions"
Nickname: King of Bonds
Fulfilled predictions: Publicly warned of the collapse of mortgage-backed securities in 2007 year
Quote about money: "In a time of major market downturn, Beta eats up Alpha"
Principles: After being unceremoniously fired from TCW's $ 12 billion Total Return Bond Fund in 2009 year, Gundlach got his revenge, having founded DoubleLine Capital - now he is in 4 times the old fund, assets under his control $50 billion. Gundlach - a thinker-mathematician with philosophy, grafted at Dartmouth, and his approach is characterized by composure and the ability to go against the crowd. Also it doesn't bind to attachment objects: "You should be able to leave old friends.".
Invest like Gundlach: You can buy shares of its DoubleLine Core Fixed Income Fund or Emerging Markets Fixed Income Fund. He also plays on the rise of the US dollar., you can participate in this with the PowerShares DB US Dollar Index ETF.
William Sharp
Age: 80
Co-founder of Financial Engines
Credo: "Calculate the risk"
Reward: IN 1990 year shared the Nobel Prize with mentor Harry Markowitz and Merton Miller from Chicago for their contributions to the theory of pricing of financial assets
Quote about money: “Some investments have higher expected returns, than others. More often than not, they are the ones who find themselves in the most deplorable state in the worst times. "
Principles: His most famous scientific work proves the relationship between risk and expected return.. The famous "Sharpe Ratio" defines, whether the return on investment is the result of managerial skill or taking more risk. Professional tip: skills are rare.
Invest like Sharpe: Simulate expected returns based on your risk tolerance, using the Monte Carlo method. If you lack mathematical knowledge, you can use the Vanguard calculator at vanguard.com/nesteggcalculator, in order to decide, how to allocate assets, and buy inexpensive stocks of various index funds.
Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett – One of the most successful and well-known investors in history. He is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Berkshire Hathaway. Buffett is known for his long-term approach to investing and his ability to choose securities, which bring a stable profit. He often uses the principle “Buy & Hold”, slowly selling shares and investing in companies, which have good fundamentals and growth prospects.
George Soros
George Soros – Celebrity investor and philanthropist. He is known for his successful speculative operations in the financial markets. Soros has a unique ability to anticipate changes in the economy and markets, skillfully using this knowledge to make a profit. His Quantum Fund is one of the most successful investment funds in history.
Karl Icahn
Karl Icahn – A well-known corporate raider and investor. He specializes in the acquisition of shares in companies, who are in financial difficulties, and changes in their management, to increase their value. Icahn is known for his proactive stance in corporate battles and his ability to change companies' strategies in his favor.
Peter Lynch
Peter Lynch – Former fund manager and author Books “Our fish alone does not work, and the second dreams too much”. He became a legend thanks to his successful management of the Magellan Fund. Lynch adheres to a stock selection strategy, related to those sectors, which are close to him and which he personally understands. He considers, that investors should pay attention to companies, which they can analyze and understand, instead of, To follow fashion trends.
Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos – founder and CEO of Amazon, the largest online trading platform in the world. Bezos is one of the richest people on the planet, and his fortune is due in large part to his successful investment in Amazon. He is known for his long-term vision and ability to create innovative products and services, that change the way we live.
Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett, As mentioned earlier, Not just a legendary investor, but also one of the richest people in the world. His fortune is due to his ability to choose the right stocks and companies to invest in. Buffett adheres to the principle “Buy shares of good companies and hold them for a long time”. He is also actively investing in the following areas:, which he understands and which are close to him.
Elon Musk
Elon Musk – Entrepreneur and innovator, founder of SpaceX, Tesla and other companies. Musk is known for his revolutionary ideas and projects in the field of electric vehicles, spaceflight and renewable energy. His ability to attract the attention of investors and create new markets has made him one of the richest and most influential people in the world.
Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg – founder and CEO of Facebook, the largest social network in the world. Zuckerberg began his journey as a student at Harvard University and managed to turn his idea into a global platform, that connects billions of people. His successful investments in Facebook and other companies have made him one of the richest young entrepreneurs.
Secrets of successful investors
Successful investors have a few things in common, that contribute to their success. Here are some of them:
- Deep Learning: Successful investors scrutinize markets and companies, in which they invest. They conduct research, analyze financial performance and assess growth potential.
- Long-term approach: They do not seek to make a quick profit, and consider investments as long-term strategies. They believe in the growth potential of companies and are willing to wait, to get the maximum benefit.
- Management of risks: Successful investors know, that investments are always associated with risk. They diversify their portfolios, to reduce potential losses and manage risks.
- Non-emotionality: They make decisions based on analysis and facts, not emotions. They don't let emotions influence their investment decisions.
- Teaching and adaptation: Successful investors are always ready to learn and adapt to changing market conditions. They follow the news, study trends and analyze past mistakes.
The world's legendary and richest investors have achieved their success thanks to their unique approach to investing. Their knowledge, Experience and the ability to make decisions based on facts and analysis helped them create a huge fortune and leave a mark on the history of finance. Lessons, that we can learn from their success, Include in-depth study, Long-term approach, risk management, unemotionality and the desire for constant learning and adaptation.
Frequently asked Questions
Q: What qualities make an investor successful? A: Successful investors have in-depth knowledge, long-term approach, ability to manage risks, non-emotionality and the desire to learn and adapt.
Q: What tools can I use to invest?? A: There are many tools for investing, including shares, bonds, funds, Real estate and cryptocurrencies. The choice of instruments depends on your financial goals and risk level, that you are willing to sacrifice.
Q: What are the risks of investing?? A: Investing is always risky. Prices of shares and other assets are subject to change, and you may lose some or all of the invested funds. Therefore, it is important to diversify your portfolio and manage risks.
Q: How can I start investing?? A: To start investing, you will need to open an account with a reliable broker or investment company. You will then be able to choose investment instruments and start investing money according to your financial goals.
Q: How long will it take, To become a successful investor? A: Become a successful investor – this is a process, which takes time, patience and learning. This can take many years, to develop the necessary skills and experience. It is necessary to be prepared for long-term efforts and continuous self-improvement.