Only Greenspan can be better than Greenspan

В моем понимании лучше аналитика экономической ситуации чем Гринспан нет никого.Он прекрасно знает ситуацию изнутри FED, knows what they breathe there, has access to the most reliable data.
I trust his opinion completely. There will probably be those with me, who disagree, but this is my conclusion , based on my observations of him throughout his career on Wall Street.
Interesting, that first before the recession he talked about the chances 50-50, now about talking about the collapse of bonds 50-50. Also, pay attention to the role the wealth effect plays. Some opposed me in the discussion of why they push the market up., that Greenspan confirmed that, what I argued about( I will not talk to whom).

  About the post about Verbitsky and Rezvyakov.
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