Scammers from NYSELIFFE.

Here are the bastards, not the first time such machinations. У одного меня только около 4000 taken away from under your nose in an instant, and such 300 contracts passed this minute — so someone put more than half a million dollars in his pocket. Moreover, within one minute. If it was someone outside, then the exchange, probably would have canceled such bullshit. And if not canceled, it means that they themselves turned this fraud. Someone else wants to leave the DC — sit and rejoice in greenhouse conditions — on the stock exchange you will be stripped in a second. Pancake, and then the tests do not converge with real — there she is, one of the reasons, there have already been several such cases.

By the way, on Nymex there is no such hairpin for silver at all, which once again proves a sign of fraud.


And here I got the answer:

All trades in the Dec 2010 YI futures stand from today’s open. The exchange reviewed the transactions when they occurred and determined that none of them would be busted. Official low for the time was 20.07.
Please manage any resulting market risk as is most appropriate for the account.

That is, nothing is canceled. Someone made themselves $600 000 in about one minute. And someone, for example some day trader, if you stocked up in full with supposedly control of risks, guaranteed to reset the account. And everything is alright, everything according to the rules of the exchange….

Pancake — write control your risks — how can they control them if they can file it at any price and they will not get anything for it :(

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